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Branch's pov:

I woke up and stretched my arms, I was in my own room? I didn't remember falling asleep here. I opened my door and peeked out my room. There were a bunch of books and boxes everywhere, this only meant one thing. I honestly saw it coming for a long time now. I heard a bolt of lightning strike outside, the flash sent waves of vibration through the bunker. I jumped at the sound which completely woke me up. Clay and John Dory were moving boxes around outside, the rain getting them wet. Idiots, why would they do it in this weather.

"Morning." I yawned.

John Dory and Clay looked shocked, they hadn't realised I was awake yet. Was this such a common trend? Everyone just tried to leave while I was sleeping. For what? Just to avoid a little trouble.

"Branch look-" Clay was cut off

"Yes I know, you're moving out with viva to take care of the putt putt trolls. I saw this coming for a long time bro. It's fine" I brushed Clay off

"Really? You're okay with this? I honestly expected more of an emotional reaction!" Clay laughed

"Nah, we all grow up dude." I laughed with him.

This moment was pretty wholesome, expect for the fact John Dory was outside playing with Rhonda, splashing mud everywhere. At least John Dory finally got Rhonda outside. She's like a house cat. Rhonda was jumping up and down crushing some of the boxes that were previously brought outside.

"John dory! That was my Disney book collection you asshole!" Clay yelled.

"They are kids books! Rhonda didn't mean to" John Dory chuckled

I decided to help bring out some boxes, make myself useful. The rain poured on my face, the oddly comforting feeling of the water dripping down my face was all too much. I felt like the rain got me, as cringe as that sounds. God! I cringe at some things I think. Like that one time I thought about a cat in a hat made out of nachos... I'm getting off track. I lifted a hand out and tried to caught some water, my palm filled up with cold water which I splashed on myself.

"All the boxes are done!" Clay called from the inside

"Hello guys! Hi branch!" Viva ran out to me.

Viva ran up to me and hugged me tightly, she was drenched. Viva soaked me completely, the rain water soaking up in my clothes. Clay exited my bunker holding the last box, viva ran up and hugged him. Clay had gotten way more serious over the years, I saw so much of myself in him. Viva and John Dory loaded his boxes into a van and shut it tight. I felt Clay walk up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm gonna miss you man, but I won't be far." Clay giggled

"I know, you're only moving ten minutes away. I'm fine bro." I pushed his hand off me

"Look maybe we can meet up and I can show you how to do taxes!" Clay asked excitedly

"Mhm" I groaned, not even I found taxes fun.

Clay hopped in the van with viva and drove away. I know they weren't going far but the same feeling of abandonment washed over me. I couldn't let my selfishness ruin other peoples lives. I had a quick flash back of when I was younger, when brozone left me. When Clay walked out. I felt my breathing speed up rapidly, I brought a hand up to grip my chest to ease the pain. John Dory creeped up on me and gave me a hug.

"I know that look." John Dory squeezed me tighter.

I had noticed John Dory had gotten more clingy over the years. I don't blame him though, so have I. Just not as visual as him.

"I mean yeah.. Bruce left, now Clay. Are you and Floyd leaving too?" I groaned sadly

"I plan to stay in your bunker a very long time, and so does Floyd." John Dory explained

"Thanks" I said cheering myself up.

John Dory let go and lead me back inside. Floyd yawned and stumbled out his room wearing his classic pink robe.

"Is Clay gone?" Floyd yawned louder

"Yeah you missed him" I explained.

Floyd stumbled over to the couch and laid back on it. I sat next to him laying back in the sofa. Floyd reached up and picked up my hand. His eyes scanned my face, it looked like he was taking in every detail.

"You look weak branch, did you have breakfast?" Floyd asked tired with a hint of concern

I had been skipping breakfast for a while now, the only meal I've been having is dinner and I eat less than everyone else. The more the days went on the more ashamed I felt of my body. Every time I looked in the mirror I felt disgusted, the scars or my weight really bugged me.

"Yeah I did" I lied to Floyd's face

"Uh branch, You didn't this morning? I would have known I was up before you." John Dory dobbed me in.

"I must of got it while you were busy" I lied to John dory's face

I had gotten comfortable to lying to my brothers, a little to comfortable.

"Maybe it's all those cigarettes you chugged" Floyd laughed.

"I didn't know about this. Branch!" John Dory face palmed.

I felt like I was getting ganged up on right now. John Dory came and sat next to us, bringing a board game with him. It was a dusty box, very disgusting. I slide my finger over the box revealing the name. It was monopoly! John Dory set up the game on the floor, me and Floyd sitting on the floor with it. This was a good way to bond, I was pretty happy with how today turned out.

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)Where stories live. Discover now