You're Attempt means nothing.

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Branch's pov:

It's been a few days since I got home, Clay has been updating us on his health progress and he's recovering nicely. I healed up pretty quickly, only a few scarring on my hips. I thought life was perfect now but for some reason I didn't feel perfect. I was humming the lyrics to our song 'perfect' while sketching a few drawings on a blank sheet. A thought I had in my mind for so long had never left me, why hasn't my colour returned yet? I thought I was happy? Whatever, scratch that thought for now. I did eventually get up to updating Bruce on the whole story, it was wild.

I heard a huge noise from the kitchen, complimented by a few yells. I curiously stepped out of my room and peaked the hall. I stumbled my way into the kitchen where Floyd and John Dory were fighting.

"I didn't scratch Rhonda!" Floyd argued

"Well who did?" John Dory threw his arms up.

I watched as John Dory and Floyd argued over pointless things all the time, this wasn't anything new. John Dory always got riled up in fights, normally letting his anger take control. What made the situation worse was when fights got physical. My brothers were two grown ass men, they should be able to control themselves but today wasn't that day. John Dory stepped forward and shoved Floyd back, my eyes widened as I quickly got involved into the fight. I stepped in front of Floyd and protected him with my body. I didn't have to save him but I felt like I needed to.

"Branch move." John Dory growled

"We do not get physical!" I shouted

"Looks who's talking! Now move asshole!" John Dory stepped forward pushing me out the way.

My instincts quickly acted up as I slapped my brother square in the face. John Dory brought a hand to cover his mouth as blood dripped from his lips. I gasped loudly, I didn't mean to hurt him but everything was happening so fast!

"You're acting like dad." John Dory growled as he insulted me one last time.

My eyes lit up with flames, I didn't know our dad too well myself but I did know my father wasn't a good person.

"Your eyes burn with anger just like him. You're a  acting  like a monster just like he did." John Dory growled.

I literally only did one bad thing but the whole insults really burned a whole in my heart. I was not our father. I was only the monster everyone created. I'm not the same kid from his memory, I'm different now.

"It's not my fault I have our father's eyes." I growled, I was getting angry myself

"Guys maybe this isn't the best idea." Floyd stepped in.

"'Let's not make it physical!' Well it just got physical." John Dory mocked

"It's always my fault isn't it!" I crossed my arms.

I hate this house and I hate this family. Of course I didn't truly mean it but we never had a 'happy home.' We were always fighting. My fist clutched tightly, just like our dad used to do. But you know what they say, father like son.

"God you do everything for attention don't you! Do I not give you enough attention? Is that why you tried to kill yourself? For attention?" John Dory insulted one final time.

"FINE. Go ahead and make me the villain." I crossed my arms tightly as I screamed.

My screaming must of snapped John Dory out of his 'angry' mindset because John Dory returned to reality and realised what he just said. I started to cry, I sped out the room and hid behind a wall. 'Chase me.' I mumbled over and over again. I wanted him to follow me, to show he cared. But after I waited for so long nobody turned the corner.

John dory's pov:

I went to chase branch but I stopped. What I said was extremely fucked up. Bringing up our father was terrible and definitely wasn't necessary.

"John? You haven't gotten angry like that in a while..." Floyd asked

"I guess I'm still on edge with everything that's happening." I murmured

Floyd walked towards me and gave me a big hug. My gasped loudly, I wasn't expecting him to forgive me so easily. I hugged back before pulling away, I raised my eyebrow as I starred down at my little brother.

"Do you still think about dad?" Floyd questioned

"Always. I just think how differently our life would have turned out if..." I purposely cut myself off

Talking about it was hard for me. I looked down the hallway where branch ran off too, he needed to understand what I did wasn't on purpose. I sometimes act like I'm super angry but I can't control the words that come out of my mouth.

"John leave him... he'll live" Floyd comforted me

"I feel sorry." I moaned

God I'm such an idiot.

"Can you follow him for me?" I basically begged Floyd

"Alright." Floyd smiled

Floyd's pov:

I walked away from John Dory and chased branch to where ever he went. John Dory had really bad anger issues, he was diagnosed and everything. I could understand what he was going through and stirring him up wasn't going to help anyone. I saw branch hugging his knees on the floor and I crouched and sat next to him. The second branch saw me he teared up and cried.

"I know buddy I know." I spoke as I hugged branch in tightly.

"He's definitely pissed." Branch sobbed

"Branch you know he has his own issues, maybe you both can relate somehow?" I offered, it was a great way for them both to bond

"I'm just upset... look I'll be fine." Branch cried

I could tell branch wasn't thinking straight himself. I was the peace of this house hold, I was going to fix everything.

"Branch just because you think everything is over doesn't mean it really is?" I explained

"Doesn't it?" Branch spoke up

"Just because you were 'saved' doesn't mean you have to pull yourself together constantly. You can still be dealing with stuff." I explained further

I was fixing the situation like I did always, I knew how to calm everyone down and keep myself in check all at once. Well sorta... I normally neglect my own needs to help others. I was a man of giving and if I needed to help my brother I'd put him before me in an instant.

'I have saved everyone but who is going to save me?'

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)Where stories live. Discover now