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Branch's pov:

everyone's head tilted up as we heard the entrance to the cave start to crumble. John Dory stood up to investigate, looking upwards at the long hole we entered through. John Dory fell backwards as viva and trickee fell onto him.

"Hi guys!" Viva waved her hand

John Dory let out a loud groan as he pushed the two off his chest and growled.

"Watch it!" John Dory waved his hands

I stood up and rushed over to trickee who grabbed my hand and pulled himself up. My ears twitched slightly as he wrapped both of his hands around my neck and kissed my cheek.

"Dude I thought we would die out there!" Trickee laughed

"Oh dude what the hell don't kiss me!" I chuckled pushing trickee off me

I looked over to Poppy and viva hugging tightly, it was surprising how fast and energetic they moved around the cave. Poppy was practically bouncing off walls.

"How'd you guys find us?" Clay tilted his head

"Well there's a giant monster and we were running for safety! Luckily we found this giant hole." Viva explained

"Wait where's boom?" I gasped

"We lost him during our escape. I'm not sure where or what happened to him..." trickee scratched his head awkwardly

Viva ran and dived onto Clay as they scuffled on the floor. Clay laughed loudly as he fought back and tickled viva.

"So much for not being the 'fun one'" rolled my eyes jokingly

"Oh shut up bitty B!" Clay growled

Bitty B is gone. I am what remains.

I rolled my eyes again but only more annoyingly. Then Floyd started to cough and whine which caught everyone's attention. My whole body moved backwards as some pink goo was coughed up and dripped from his mouth. The pink goo was some type of glittery colour which had some sort of glow to it.

"I'm no expert but that's not normal." Trickee gasped

"Well no fucking shit!" I threw my hands up.

I kneeled down infront of Floyd and wiped his mouth. The goo shimmered down on my hand and sunk me in. It was rather appealing, odd.

"Okay so who's going out there and stopping that beast?" Bruce questioned

Everyone's heads looked over to me and raised their eyebrows. I felt a large gulp go down my throat as I crossed my arms confused.

"Branch?" Everyone said at the same time

"Wait what the fuck? Why me?" I growled

"Well you so insistent in risking your life you should probably do it?" Bruce laughed

"Oh hell no! you just were the ones insistent in keeping me safe!" I groaned

My ears perked up as I heard some recognisable screams. It was tiny diamond and guy diamond! It wasn't fun and giggly screams that they normally did. It was pure yells of terror.

"Oh shut up! John Dory, Clay and Bruce get your asses up and come with me." I growled

"I'll come too!" Poppy smiled

"But We're watching Floyd!" John Dory yelled back

"I'm sure viva and trickee can watch Floyd. Come on." I clasped my hands together

"Fuck you." John Dory yelled before getting up.

Me, Poppy and all my brothers except Floyd climbed out of safety and started to look for the giant rageon.

"What exactly is your plan here?" Clay questioned

"Find Asher and make her feel better so I feel better? Great plan!" I explained

"That is the worst plan ever!" John Dory groaned

"Well actually I think it will work!" Poppy backed me up.

I could hear Asher yelling but I couldn't see her. I pointed my finger in a certain direction and instructed my brothers.

"You guys go this way and I'll go that way! It will be faster to split up." I explained

"Have you never seen any horror movies?! Splitting up is the fastest way to die!" Bruce face palmed

"Let's do it!" Poppy smiled

Veneers pov:

It was always so boring in jail. I was sentenced to 2 years in prison and one year of probation afterwards. Of course I got the lighter sentence compared to velvet, she definitely was pissed because of that.

But sometimes I really missed my sister. We used to be cell mates and shared a room but after a few days velv started to act weird... strange.

It didn't bother me until she started to become physically violent. Like sometimes I would accidentally knock her pillow off the bed and velvet would grab and scratch at me. This used to happen when we were kids but this time it was different. Velvets eyes would light up a neon pink colour, like a spawn of Satan.

Ever since then I haven't seen or heard from velvet. I'm happy Floyd was telling me she was healing of course, I just hoped to see her again soon!

My body did start to feel weird... but today it felt even weirder. Like I could feel my veins pulsating through my arms. I laid back in my bed and hoped for the uncomfortable feeling to go away but for some reason it just didn't. I stood up and went over to the sink I had in my cell. It was a crappy old dirty sink complimented with a broken mirror. I looked into the mirror and inspected myself for any new flaws.

I knew we were in jail but i needed to still look handsome! Obviously.

My eyes started to twitch uncontrollably as I gripped at my face. My nails dug harshly into my skin as I tried to stop the new found pain. I ripped my hands away and looked back onto the mirror. I had like streaks of red scratches down my face and the worst part was... my eyes were glowing pink and I had this pink goo dripping out my nose.

Behind me a guard called out, I flinched by his voice and covered my face quickly. Keeping my back against the man.

"You okay veneer? I heard noises." The guard questioned

"I'm fine!" I yelled.

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