Breaking down

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Floyd's pov:

I had returned home after all the information I so thankfully gathered. Right now I was overwhelmed with emotions too much for me to handle. I returned to branch's bunker and leaned against a wall. My eyes shifted to John Dory who was groaning and acting all moody.

"You look down." I shrugged

"Branch is back." John Dory sighed

"That's nice, is he home?" I questioned

"No, he's still upset." John Dory groaned

I winced in pain loudly as I stumbled forward. I wasn't going to last for another week. I didn't even think I'd make it two more days. John Dory switched from his tense position to a loose shocked stance. He ran to my side as I tried to regain my own breath.

"Floyd..." John Dory gasped softly

"I'm fine... I'm fine." I assured him

"No! I will not lose another baby brother." John Dory approached closer.

I slowly pulled away and began stumbling towards my room. John Dory followed behind me, keeping the same pace. I softly closed the door behind me and locked it. I was afraid John Dory might witness something he shouldn't. If I collapsed and well.... You know. I wouldn't want him to watch.

I heard John Dory bang his fists against the door and try to pry it open. My body wobbled and my arms started to shake. My body finally gave in as I fell against the wall and banged the side of my head. It ended with a loud thump and a huge yelp.

"Floyd what are you doing?!?" John Dory screamed

I didn't reply, I couldn't reply. My head was dizzy and my eyes were heavy. I was breaking down... I felt a cool and calming sensation of something dripping down my face. It was a bright red colour, which was caused from the hard hit to the head.

"If you don't answer I'm calling Bruce!" John Dory kicked at the door.

I slowly sat down on the floor so I didn't fall and gripped my shirt tightly. Then I started to mumble the words of 'lonely people' praying it would save me.

Veneer was a genius because it worked. Sorta...? My eyes started to glow a soft pink and my body had a slight hue aswell. It kept me awake for a little bit longer.

I mean why didn't I think of it sooner? My entire existence only revolves around behind a singing troll.

My eyes snapped open as my door was kicked open, the two brothers stood anxiously in the doorway. Bruce had came to help, I was so grateful. Bruce glazed his hand over my minor head wound as he looked awfully worried.

"Floyd! Are you conscious?" Bruce fell next to me

I lifted my hand up to his vest and held it tightly. I was wearing my own shirt for once, it kept my body warm. I gasped for air as I looked into Bruce's eyes.

"You're gonna be okay... I promise." Bruce held onto my hand

"Brozone... I nee- you need to sing." I managed to get out.

Bruce then started to sing an off key nursery rhyme, probably one he sang to his kids. But the effects weren't doing anything. I kept deteriorating by the second.

"I- I need brozone." I said with an air-y voice.

"I'll call Clay." John Dory rushed to grab his phone.

John Dory was definitely more caring than he used to be. Only a few months ago he was so cruel. Pushing us all to try and be perfect, but now he's different. Improving...

Soon Clay slowly walked into the room and stood next to John Dory. I tried to look up at him but my chin hurt to move and My skin shivered from the cool breeze coming from the ceiling fan. Bruce took notice and lifted a fuzzy blanket over my shoulders.

"What's wrong?" Clay asked John Dory.

I could answer this question myself, I had some energy to talk. I didn't need to be babied

"I need all of you... and sing..." I mumbled with the last of my motivation

"Oh! So superstar velvet has all your talent and she became poisoned so the only way to save yourself is to get all 5 of us to sing to regain your talent!" Clay chuckled

My eyes blinked confused as Bruce's and John dory's head snapped towards Clay completely shocked. This dude predicted everything I swear. Not the first time it's happened.

"How the hell did you manage to get that idea?" Bruce raised his eyebrow

"The fuck..." John Dory mumbled in the background.

"Oh well I was reading with my sad book club and it's important to embody the mind." Clay pressed his hands together in a praying symbol.

Despite the lack of sleep and energy I had I still managed to laugh. I reached out for Clay and he lifted me to my feet. I held onto both of clays shoulders as I supported myself. My body limped forward and I gave Clay a big warm hug.

"You know we still need branch right?" Bruce questioned

"He's never going to listen to us!" John Dory groaned

"Can you blame him? We never listen to branch... like ever!" Clay called out.

I wrapped my arms tighter around Clay and squeezed myself into his chest. Soon Bruce came from behind and joined the hug. John Dory stood back awkwardly and chuckled. Clay brought up a hand motion for him to join.

Quickly John Dory ran up to us and lifted the whole group into the air. I gave a weak laugh as John Dory tossed me up.

"We needed this hug..." Clay laughed

"Yeah..." Bruce mumbled

Then we all pulled away from the tight hug and stood awkwardly. I was still clung onto clays arm as he was the only thing keeping me up.

"Can we go ah- S- save me..." I jumbled my words.

"Can't we just force branch to help?" Bruce crossed his arms

"Terrible idea, not even Poppy will talk to me." John Dory spoke up.

Then a light bulb went off in all of our heads. We all looked to clays face and she looked slightly embarrassed from the sudden attention.

"Why are you looking at me?" Clay awkwardly laughed

"You should ask viva!" We all said at the same time.

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ