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Bitty B (flash back) :

My brothers were practicing songs and choreography for our next concert, I wasn't aloud to help with anything that serious, I was just supposed to learn the dance and sing after the 'hard work' was done. I was spending my time watching tv, my absolute favourite cartoon show before spruce flopped onto the sofa behind me switching the tv channel.

"Spruce! I was watching that!" I groaned

"Sorry bitty B, I gotta watch this." Spruce talked his way out of it.

I had never seen a show like this before, it was a reality show of a girl who learnt unhealthy ways to become skinny. She would advertise these 'health bars' which helped anyone loose weight in seconds. I was missing my cartoon but I got more interested the more I watched. My eyes turned to stars as the girl showed her life story and how everyone loved her. I wanted to be as loved and a star as her! She was an inspiration.

"Why does everyone love her?" I asked spruce

"Because she's skinny." Spruce answered me.

"And that's why people like her?" I asked more interested

"That's the only reason people like me..." spruce said a little hurt.

I climbed onto the sofa next to spruce, he held tightly onto my hand. I held his hand back as we continued watching the show, I leaned against spruce as the flashy lights soothed my brain. Floyd soon walked into the living room and instantly went pale. Floyd grabbed the remote and switched the tv off.

"Dude what the hell!" Spruce threw his hands up.

"Why are you watching that crap in front of branch?!" Floyd argued

"What's wrong with it?!" Spruce yelled

"This show is awful! It just teaches kids bad habits!" Floyd growled.

"Am I just a bad habit to you?!" Spruce snarled.

I covered my ears, I couldn't escape the fighting. I jumped off the couch and crawled away. I turned my head around in a blur, Floyd and spruce were angry as, the fight was getting louder and heated by the moment. The fight got so loud that it caught the attention of John Dory and Clay. John Dory noticed me on the floor and I reached my arms out for him. John Dory picked me up and lifted me away from the fight, I clung onto John dory's chest as we walked away. John Dory walked towards Clay with me in his arms as he gave me to Clay. I clung to clays arms and nuzzled my face in his neck trying to mute the screams and insults coming from my brothers.

"Take branch somewhere silent, I'll deal with them." John Dory said softly.

"Got it." Clay smirked.

Clay carried me away into his own room, and sat me on the bed. I looked up to him with fear in my eyes, I didn't understand why we were fighting again.

"Why is Floyd angry..?" I asked Clay.

"Floyd just doesn't want you watching shows like that." Clay comforted me

"But sprucey told me that being skinny is a good thing?" I was so confused.

"Branch, you don't need to be skinny. You just keep being you." Clay smiled.

Branch's pov:

I shook my head, I spaced out for about ten minutes. I don't understand why I was having these flashbacks from my childhood... I didn't know if it was supposed to mean something. The sky began to thunder as light rain fell down. I didn't know how long I could go on... I climbed under a small rock for shelter hugging my body for some warmth. I used to be an expert on survival tactics but all my senses have just left me. I felt so cold.. my eyes lit up with tears as I leaned against the rock. Behind all the crying.. behind all the anger and fear was a child. And I was a child by heart, a scared child. My heart was so broken, I held it heavy in my chest as I tried to lift my spirits. I was so used to the feeling the pain of disappointment but every time I just got sadder and sadder. I was waiting for something to happen in my life that would change everything. I held my palm up to my face gripping my hand tightly. I missed my family, I missed myself. There was nothing in the world I couldn't miss.

I was thinking about how much everything hurt. I was slowly going insane by the pain. I thought about how much easier it would be to let go. I was going to let go soon, and nothing was going to stop me. I remember when I first met Poppy, that I was going to prove to everyone I could survive on my own. That I never had to feel sad again, to prove to my brothers they couldn't hurt me. But I've become the person I swore not to be, I couldn't help but feel worthless. I put my hands in my pockets for some warmth but then I felt something blocky. I pulled out the mysterious object and held it in-front of my face. It was my phone! I didn't realise I had my phone the whole time, I logged in and swiped through my messages. I was filled with sad sob messages like 'where are you?!' Or 'are you safe!?' I had everyone on silent. I was filled with so much hurt, so much pain. I don't know how many times I could say it... but I was done.

I grabbed a long vine, and tied it together like a rope. I looped the rope into a ring and I tied the rope to a tree, looking off into the beautiful distance, it was a gorgeous place. This is  what I wanted my fate to be, for all the pain to go away. To sleep in peace. Before I let everything go, I picked up my phone and texted Floyd. 'I'm sorry it came out to this but I can't go on anymore. Just know that I love you all and I'm happier now. Goodbye.' And I dropped my phone into the dirt. I felt like the world had a strong choke hold on me my whole life, and now I was going to let it kill me. I slipped my head into the loop and took a deep breath.

"Goodbye." I smiled.

(This isn't the end guy, don't stress 😋👍)

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