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John dory's pov:

I went into the closet grabbing a bunch of towels to dry Rhonda off with, poor girl got soaked during the storm. I looked to my left and saw branch speed off to his room suspiciously. I was gonna question it but branch was just typically not normal. I carried the stack of towels into Rhonda placing them on the floor to dry up as much liquid as I could. I started to rub up the water off the counter tops as well. Then it hit me, didn't I leave my pistol here? I quickly searched all of Rhonda, but the weapon was missing! That was really bad, I wasn't really licensed to own a weapon! And it was still loaded. Then I remembered how suspicious branch was acting. I hurried to branch's open and slammed the door open, branch was laying in his bed on his phone.

"Where is it?!" I yelled

"Where is what?!" Branch yelled back

"I know you took my fucken gun. Branch it isn't a toy!" I said angrily

Branch gave me a confused / weirded out look, which pissed me off even more. I ran up and tackled branch on the bed, even if I was old, I was still strong. I pinned his arms down while he was screaming 'get off me!' Or 'I don't have it!' But I didn't believe his words for a second. I checked inside his jacket but nothing. I guess he was telling the truth after all.

"I guess you weren't lying... sorry." I scratched my head

"I told you! Now get off!" Branch screamed

I rolled off branch and apologised again, then I left the room, I was gonna ask Floyd. I really didn't want to ask Floyd because I could guess his reaction, and it's not going to be fun. I knocked on Floyd's door and he opened it letting me into his room.

"What do you need John dory?" Floyd questioned.

"So I kind of lost a weapon. My weapon. Which is a loaded gun.." I laughed awkwardly.

"YOU OWN A GUN!?" Floyd screamed

"Yes yes I know! It's worse than it looks." I explained

"John dory this is bad! Why would you have a fucken gun!" Floyd started to freak out

"Old times sake?" I laughed even more awkwardly.

"You know how branch is. If he finds that thing he will take it." Floyd scoffed

I could tell I ruined all of Floyd's day, he was freaking out like crazy. I felt really bad. I could hear Floyd's heart beat fast out of his chest, I started to freak out as well.

"I do remember showing it to branch before, he was pretty scared of it..." I chuckled

"You let branch know you have a weapon!" Floyd panicked more

"Yes I did! But he doesn't have it alright?! I basically checked his whole room." I lied

I didn't check branch's whole room, I probably should of but I got lazy. And what kind of brother would I be if I didn't trust him! I'd set a bad example, so I trust branch.

"I'm going to doubles check" Floyd growled

Branch's pov:

I watched as Floyd stormed into my room checking every drawer and closet.

"Where's the gun branch!" Floyd questioned me

"Like I told John Dory before! I don't have your stupid gun!" I screamed.

Floyd couldn't find what he was looking for so he left my room quickly, floyd started to check under couch cushions and everything. I was so lucky they didn't find out I took it, I hid the hand gun under my mattress before John Dory came in. I lifted up my mattress and returned the pistol to my jacket pocket.

"It's loaded so be careful! It's old and could go off any second!" John Dory screamed from outside my room to Floyd.

It was loaded? I un-did the gun letting 3 shiny bullets fall into the palm of my hand. The bullets we're definitely old, but they were still useable. Ugh! What am I thinking. I tossed the bullets into my drawer and kept the empty gun in my jacket. I went up to Floyd and hugged him.

"Calm down bro, your stressing to much." I calmed Floyd down

"I'm just... how about you go outside branch? I'm gonna keep looking." Floyd offered me

"Yeah I'll go outside." I accepted, making my way outside.

I exited my bunker, walking through the forest. It was still damp everywhere from the huge storm. I had to make sure too not step in puddles. I reached for my phone and realised I must of left it at home, oh well. It was going to be a zero technology walk. I just wanted to clear my mind from those bad bad thoughts I had earlier. I started to hear some rustling from the bushes, soon one of my biggest fears jumped out and grabbed me. Dante. I quickly pushed the carrot like troll off me before stepping back quickly.

"Branch, I missed you." Dante clapped.

"Get away from me!" I screamed

"It's good to see you without your psycho girlfriend." Dante growled.

I went to grab my phone to call poppy, but I remembered I didn't bring it. Of course I didn't. I stepped away from Dante, the more steps back I took, the more steps forward Dante took.

"Please stop! I'm trying to get better, and your not helping!" I screamed at Dante's face.

"You think your getting better?" Dante growled.

I nodded happily, I was getting better. All the past pain was gone! At least I pretended it was. I honestly wanted to get better for my brothers, especially poppy.

"Your problem is That you think your all better!" Dante screamed at me

His words cut deep, but I stood my ground not saying another word back to his ugly face.

"Sadly, I know you better then anyone else branch. So I'm telling you, your not better." Dante explained.

Dante was right though, I didn't feel better, I just 'acted' better. I kept trying to get away from Dante but I was so scared I froze in place.

"If you were better, you wouldn't be starving yourself still. Or you wouldn't be avoiding all your problems! " Dante coughed

"How do you know this!? Are you stalking me." I growled back.

"And tell me branch, if you were better. Why would you still keep a razor blade in your phone case? Exactly." Dante chuckled.

And Dante was right. I kept the razor blade I used to cut myself in my phone case, just in case times got tough. And times were tough right now! My colours never returned, my stupid black faded hair. I was a mess, and Dante kept reminding me.

"I know everything about you branch, everything." Dante stepped closer, this is when I snapped, I was done.

I reached for my non existent phone, instead pulling out the pistol and pointed it to Dante's head. Dante stumbled back tripping on his own feet in fear. But even after threatening Dante, he still kept that stupid smirk on his face!

"Hurt people, hurt people branch." Dante smiled.


"Do it branch. Do it." Dante smiled

Out of pure anger and insanity, I pulled the trigger. The gun clicked but nothing happened. I forgot I took the bullets out! I didn't know what to feel right now...

"You we're going to kill me...?" Dante said scared for real this time.

"I- no I didn't mean to!" I teared up.

"Your a murderer branch. A murderer by heart." Dante growled, picking himself up and walking off.

I rushed back to my bunker still shocked of the whole interaction. Floyd tried to say something to me but I ran into my room, I threw the gun under the mattress and hugged my pillow. I almost killed someone. I'm a murderer!

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