The other eyes 2

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John dory's pov:

my heart was thumping out of my chest. I always thought of myself as the fearless troll but not anymore. The second I found Asher I was going to punch her straight in the face.

My ears instantly perked up as I heard a loud roar. My head followed the sound which lead me to the middle of town. I crouched down in a bush before I felt something warm and alive under my foot. Whatever I stepped on let out a loud shriek and pushed me off.

I tumbled into the ground and groaned loudly. I then crawled back into the bush to hide myself and tried to find whatever attacked me.

"What the fuck!" Floyd groaned

"Floyd?! Why the hell aren't you inside!" I gasped

"Because I'm making sure branch doesn't get hurt." Floyd explained

Floyd then pulled me down to his level and I found myself laying flat on my stomach. I rubbed my eyes as I felt some relief. Branch actually had some of his colour back! I was so proud.

"Floyd look-!" I tried to speak

I tried to finish my sentence but Floyd put a hand over my mouth. I almost got both of us caught from being such a loud mouth. Floyd kept letting out soft groans as he panted.

"You don't have much time left..." I stated

"Is it that obvious?" Floyd giggled through the pain

"If we are doing this we need to do this now." I tried to climb out of the bush

All my ideas were rejected as Floyd kept pulling me back to my stomach. I pushed his weak hand off my back and raised my eye brow.

"No point in saving me when he's only half coloured. We have to wait until they get through to her." Floyd reminded me

"They? Who is that?" I pointed to the colourful lady next to branch.

"Miss white." Floyd growled.

I pulled myself closer to Floyd as I kept him awake. Even on Floyd's last breathes he wanted to support branch. They always had such a cute relationship when they were younger. I hate to believe I was the reason it's ruined.

"John I can't keep awake..." Floyd said as his voice became shallow.

I quickly held Floyd's head up as his face almost hit the floor. Floyd had deep and heavy eye bags underneath his eyes and a mopey expression. I tried to keep Floyd awake so he didn't drift off to who knows where. The only thing that actually worked was slapping him awake. So that's exactly what I did, I wacked Floyd straight in the face and he woke up in a panic.

"Don't slap me!" Floyd groaned

"You'll live." I rolled my eyes.

Poppy's pov:

I was super confused at the sight of viva and trickee running towards me. I started to move closer to the two so they didn't have to walk as far. Viva was obviously out of breathe and trickee wasn't looking much better.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Floyd?" I questioned

"The slimy snail escaped!" Trickee panted

"Oh no! That's terrible" I gasped

I suddenly ducked as a body flew straight over our heads and hit a tree. Viva and trickee also ducked as we approached the mysterious person. Trickee ran to the floor and hugged the man tightly as it was revealed to be boom!

"BOOM! I thought you died man!" Trickee smiled

"Careful on the bones!" Boom yelped.

Another two trolls chased after boom when we finally saw it was Ablaze and hype. The whole Nsync cast was here! Good timing too because we had a real problem.

"I thought we were crazy, never seen a troll fly before." I joked towards viva

"Omg! That would be such a good idea we could build candy wings and try to fly but we would never fly because we would get sick from eating all the candy and never actually make the wings and-" viva kept blabbering on

"Okay girl we get it!" Ablaze shouted out

"Haha... sorry!" Viva scratched her head embarrassed

I quickly motioned for viva to braid my hair so it wouldn't get in the way. Because... I was about to kick some mount rageon behind!

"Hey you're branch's girlfriend?" Hype questioned

"The one and only~" I giggled

"Enough with the small talk! There's a giant child destroying our home!" Trickee yelled out

All our heads snapped towards the giant child of a mount rageon furiously starring at branch. She looked so mad that I could feel fire blazing out her ears.

"Let's go do some sunshine and rainbow ass whopping." Viva snickered as she motivated herself

"Woah woah woah! We have to wait for branch to do his thing." I spoke as I stopped everyone.

Branch's pov:

Calla stepped forward and pointed her finger harshly towards Asher's face. I don't think calla understood that Asher could kill us at any moment. I felt honestly terrified, this was like a miniature Dante almost.

"Enough talking. DIE!" Asher shouted as she banged her fists into the ground

The impact of her fists hitting the grown flung both of me and calla into the air. I fell backwards onto my spine as I let a loud yelp out. Calla quickly picked herself up and tried to have another go at Asher.

"Miss white." Asher growled

"It's Calla." Calla growled back.

My eyes widened as I saw a bunch of glowing eyes surrounding me. I saw tiny diamond, Poppy, all of Nsync and all of my brothers watching me. I would either die like a hero or survive like a... well a hero.

The last 7 months of pain and suffering had lead up to this moment. The moment where I decided my fate. And apparently I was so trusting enough to let Calla speak, hoping her connection with Asher would go through.

"You were a traitor to my father. Now he's dead. You still remain. That's a problem, Miss white." Asher growled

"Know it's for the better..." calla mumbled.

(Omg semi finale is the next chapter. Crazy.)

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