Everyone is hurting because of me.

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Branch pov:

I clung tightly on my brother's back as he carried me back home, for some reason we were heading a different direction. I was confused why he missed the turn but I kept silent. The more Bruce walked the more I got more confused, we were way past the bunker by now.

"Where are you taking me?" I questioned

For some reason I always ended up in places I wasn't supposed to be, weird...

"We're going to my home?" Bruce chuckled confused

"I thought we were going to my bunker?" I giggled even more confused

"Oh, John Dory would kill us. Maybe keep this a secret?" Bruce rolled his eyes.

"You're the best!" I smiled

We both made our way back to vacation island, the music was blasting and all the people were parting! Bruce took me into his room, which was 300 times his size to fit brandy as well. Bruce had his own 'mini' area where there were chairs to fit his size. Bruce set me down on his chair as he cracked his back in a huff.

"You're heavy!" Bruce chuckled

I looked away shameful as he made a comment about my weight, I clenched my eyes shut as I tried to calm myself from having another break down. Bruce probably took notice of this as he grabbed my hand and forced me to look at him.

"Did I say something?" Bruce questioned

"I'm not fat." I sniffled

"Hey, hey, hey, I didn't say that." Bruce tried to calm the situation

"You sorta did." I scoffed

Bruce crossed his arms and started to laugh at me, I couldn't tell if he was mocking me to be an asshole or we were having a funny family giggle but both really hurt my feelings.

"Branch I know what's it's like to struggle with body weight." Bruce smirked cockily

"I'm sure you do, it's just... you're happier now." I grinned

"I wasn't always happy you doofus." Bruce rolled his eyes while laughing.

The whole 'sad and empathic' moment instantly changed the whole mood as we both started laughing like true brothers. Bruce came over and shoved his fist into my hair, messing it up. I pushed his face away gently as we started to scruff.

"You don't know how much pressure our big brother John Dory put on me!" Bruce smirked

"How are you happier now?" I questioned, actually interested in the answer

"You just need to learn to love yourself!" Bruce smiled

That wasn't the easiest thing to do, it seemed like the whole world was against me, or the world didn't even care I was here. The world moves without me. I slowly nodded my head down to my ankle which was wrapped in shitty blood stained sheets. I wined in pain as the feeling was all coming back to me.

"What happened there?" Bruce questioned

"Just a scratch..." I lied

"Dude whoever wrapped it did a shit job!" I Bruce gasped

Bruce instantly started to unwrap my foot, I moved my leg in fear of being caught but I slowly gave into his soft touch. His fingers started to graze my sensitive skin as the sheets fell of easily, they weren't wrapped on tightly anyways. The second my wounds were revealed to him Bruce gasped. The fresh wounds instantly reopened as more blood pouring down my leg. I shoved my fist into my mouth and bit down to distract myself from the pain.

"It's more than a scratch." Bruce said shocked

I was scared of him seeing my self harm but since there was so much blood the cuts were unrecognisable, that's one thing I'm glad for. Bruce leaned over and grabbed some cloth as he held pressure against my ankle.

"Hold this rag here, I'll be right back." Bruce assured me

"I'm too faint to hold anything..." I mumbled

"BRANDY LOVE! Can you bring the first aid kit!" Bruce yelled out

Brandy stepped into the giant room and dropped a tub of first aid supplies (troll size) the bin was the size of brandy's newly done nails, which were a gorgeous pink. Go girl! I slowly waved to brandy as she left the room

Bruce started to tightly wrap my foot in an interesting way, the way it tightly clung against my foot made it look like it was shrunken in size!

"Where'd you learn to wrap like that?" I questioned

"I used to wrap my thighs in duck tape to make them look skinner, terrible idea though." Bruce face palmed.

I felt pretty bad but I was really glad someone could relate to what I was going through. It was nice to know I wasn't alone, like I hadn't been forgotten completely. Bruce lifted his head and leaned over to me, he snatched his phone off the chair and started to call a random number.

"Who are you calling?" I said stupidly

"Poppy, she might want to know your out of rehab... surprisingly." Bruce chuckled

I instantly threw myself off the chair as my body struggled to stand up right. I stumbled over to Bruce gripping his wrist tightly, I squeezed his hand so tightly his muscles let go of the phone instantly.

"Don't call her! She'll be so disappointed!" I begged

Bruce had some sort of shocked expression on his face as I squeezed harder, his skin turning purple from my strong grip. Bruce started to wince in pain as tears formed in his eyes, I was so lost in thought I didn't realise how badly I was hurting him.

"Stop! You're hurting me." Bruce wined.

The second I heard these words I let go in a flash, my mind flickered to rehab when miss white held me down and I begged for help. This time Bruce's pleads wouldn't go unnoticed. I was being exactly like miss white, hurting people around me.

"Shit dude I'm sorry..." I let go in a gasp

"No it's fine... I won't call Poppy." Bruce smiled again as tears continued in his eyes.

"Dude I love you sometimes" I scoffed.

"No I love you!" Bruce smiled

Miss Whites pov:

I looked over to Dante who was panting heavily, he gasped loudly as he gripped his chest. He stumbled his stupid ass over to me as I placed my hands on my hips.

"Is he gone?" I snickered as I questioned Dante.

"He got away." Dante groaned.

The anger boiled inside of me! I asked Dante to do one simple job. Make branch look so unstable that he would be forced to seek so much medical help that we could milk him from every dime he had. Queen Poppy, the queen was loaded and I received so much money from his family from therapy alone. Honestly it was a great cash grab, I've done it to loads of people before.

"And now how do we make money?" I said angrily

"Im not doing this for money. I'm doing this because I want to destroy branch." Dante growled

"And why's that?" I crossed my arms.

"Because I want to be king." Dante rolled his eyes.

I gripped Dante's chin and brought his face close to mine, his breathing heavy and hot. I could feel his steamy breathe against my face as our heads were only inches away.

"We make a good team babe." I smiled

The world moves without me (Branch Angst)Where stories live. Discover now