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I continued glaring in his direction even after the man was asked to leave and it was only Dante and I.

"I am sorry for hurting your head" he told me

"Please do not act like you are a fucking saint right now, it is making me want to puke" I snapped

His eyes flashed with anger as he approached me.

I was cradling my palm which was still very much hurting from where I had cut myself and I watched his eyes survey me.

"You are injured" he commented, reaching for my hand

I slapped his hand away, moving backwards so I could put as much space as possible between us.

"You have to let me treat that" he murmured, turning around and walking to his closet.

He came back with a first aid treatment kit and set it on the bed before turning in my direction

"I do not want anything from you" I told me

"You are under the impression that you have a choice in the matter and for that I apologize. You will let me treat you or I swear to have you bound and complacent while I treat you anyways; now that is the choice I am giving you" he threatened

I swallowed but said nothing as he approached me, taking my hand in his and turning the injured palm in the light

"What were you thinking?" He tsked, opening the first aid box while I inhaled sharply.

I did not want to think about how close he was to me or that my body was super aware of his at the moment. I wanted this all to be a fucking nightmare that I was soon going to awaken from but no matter how much I pinched myself, I wasn't waking up.

He poured some antiseptic on my palm while I hissed at the sting and began dabbing it with a cotton pad. I watched his muscles contract as he did this and wondered how... how I had not seen it, the dangerous aura about him.

"You hide your bad side so well" I commented bitterly

"I do not hide anything, you merely refused to see it" he countered, glancing up at me with those beautiful and arresting blue eyes.

I held back the retort at the tip of my tongue because deep down, he was right. He had shown me everything except tell me his last name and like a fool, I had fallen hook, line and sinker for the bad boy that he was.

I remained silent as he wrapped up my hand with a bandage and even when he returned the first aid box and came around to sit beside me, I was still silent.

"For what it is worth; I totally disliked my brother but it has to be done and I have to be the one to do it" he muttered.

It had to be done, his words echoed in my head

He meant he had to kill my brothers and I was supposed to be comfortable with that. What the hell did Italian smoke these days that gave them such audacity.

"You fucking touched me whilst knowing who I was" I blurted

"I touched you because I wanted to and it had nothing to do with who you were, Diana" he said softly

"Liar" I screamed, turning to face him

"You fucking seduced me and made me feel special all the while harboring plans to take revenge on my family for a man who tried to kill my brother"

His eyes passed over my face and I could see the tick on his jaw hammering away as he stared at me.

"You touched me right back, Diana Rodrigues and I vividly remember you screaming for me not to stop so do not fucking play the victim card with me right now"

I stared at him in disgust or was it myself I was disgusted with?

"I hate you, Dante Russo and I will kill you" I vowed, staring at him dead in the eye

"Make sure you do" he murmured, rising.

I flinched as he hovered over me for a second and I could see his eyes register surprise at my action and then shutting off completely.

"If you try to escape again; I will bind you to the bedpost or better still, my dungeons are empty and are quite accommodating" he said

"Of course, lock me up in the dungeons... bastard" I screamed after him

He stilled, his hand on the doorknob and then he turned with such fury in his eyes

"Not another word" he growled

"What the fuck are you going to do? Threaten me? hello, you already did that or maybe you are going to knock me out and kidnap me... news flash, you did that already" I continued in my tirade, oblivious to the steps he was taking in my direction until he was right in front of me.

"Oh please, do not let me stop you" he growled as my mouth snapped shut

My throat was dry and not because I did not have more to say. It was his presence, messing with my head; the way he stood over me with that look in his eyes.

"Get away from me" I squeaked, angry at the way I was sounding

"You are in my room" he pointed out, reaching out to draw me up so I was crashed against his hard body.

"Because you put me here, you psychopath" I murmured, unable to stop my gaze from raking all over his face and settling on his lips.

"You are staring" he murmured, his head dropping so our faces were put mere inches apart

"Let go of me"

"Gladly" he said

His lips quirked up in a smile right before he dropped me back on the bed and walked out not looking back. I was grateful he didn't because I was blushing hard and knocking myself over the head for still finding him attractive.

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