epilogue =)

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(a/n: congratulations, you have made it to the epilogue!!!
Note 1: idrk how badminton competitions work, i tried to get it close but this is basically my version.
Note 2: beware the lovebirds, they are lowkey dangerous and extremely in love TT
Note 3: this is 6k words (basically 3 chapters) 0.0 enjoy!!)


"Relax baby, you're going to do great."

A shy smile forms on my face as I relax into my boyfriend's lap and allow him to gently thread his fingers through my hair.

"Hopefully." I reply.

"You will."

I return my gaze on the various courts below, where the gymnasium is. And the thought that soon I will be the one playing down there spikes adrenaline inside me.

Because today is the day of championships.

It's the beginning of December and we made it to the final tournament. We ended up doing extremely well during the preliminary rounds and all the tournaments following that, allowing us to advance leagues. Until finally, we made it here. This is the tournament that decides which school will win the competition and reign as the badminton champion.

I'm so proud of us. We worked hard and cooperatively, and we made it. I've never made it this high with the entire team before, and it's a massive achievement on its own, deserving an award just for getting this far. But the overachiever inside me still wants more. I want to win.

The schools have been narrowed down enough so that whoever wins the majority of their games wins the whole thing. That means if us or any other school wins four out of seven games, that school takes the trophy home. The mere visualization of the shiny golden cup sends a buzz of excitement down my spine.

That's when I spot Coach Lim making her way up to where we are sitting on the bleachers, likely bearing some news. I scramble off of Minho's lap to greet her.

"Ruka lost her game."

I nod, trying not to allow myself to feel distraught. It's completely normal, and we came here today knowing there would be losers. We've come so high, and everyone here is just as good as us if not better. It was expected.

I'm not sure if that's how she feels, though.

"Where is she right now?" I ask the coach.

"She went outside."

I hop down the bleachers and jog to where I expect to find Ruka, outside of the main entrances of this school. I swerve my way through the narrow halls, trying to navigate the unfamiliar space. Finally, I find myself at the main doors.

As expected, there Ruka is, crouching down against the brick wall, with her head buried under her hugged legs.

"Ruka? Are you alright?"

Ruka lifts her head to look up at me, revealing her puffy, tear-stained eyes.

"I'm sorry. I messed up, I didn't do that good. I feel like I could've done so much better, I did better in all the other competitions. I don't know what happened but...I lost too early."

I crouch down next to her, flashing a sympathetic smile and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, don't be too hard on yourself. I know it feels like that because everything is over, but just know that you did so well. You're part of the reason we came this far, because you did so well in all those past competitions. We would be nothing without you, and I'm so proud of you. You didn't mess up, losing is normal and it's important to get used to it so that you can improve for next time. You've come so far, and you've achieved so much. Thank you."

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