chapter 13 =]

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I was definitely not dying of anticipation for science totally. Nuh uh.

Okay fine. I will admit, maybe I was a little bit excited.

But even so, I do not let it show when I finally enter the classroom with Sooyun.

"Hello class!" Ms. Choi announces as we take our seats. "We were supposed to finish our spider dissection today, but...that's not really possible anymore." She stays facing the class, but her eyes subtly turn towards me. I feel like she's not the only person who's prying eyes are on me.

"We ran into a little trouble last time, so the dissection is cancelled."

As soon as she says that, the class erupts into cheers. I can't help but join them, delighted to do anything except dissecting a spider.

Except being locked in a room with one, of course.

"However!" Ms. Choi yells, making the cheers die down a little, "I still need to grade you. So, we will be doing a virtual spider dissection instead."

What remains of the cheers transform into a collective groan.

(a/n: virtual dissections are literally the most boring thing in the world. once our rats shipment got delayed by four months or something so we had to do it online like whattt)

"You will be assigned a worksheet online that you have to complete through watching videos and slideshows, which will demonstrate the dissection. It's around twelve pages long."

Watching spider videos online is still bad. But at least it's trapped behind a screen.

"You work in groups of four."

I immediately turn to look for Minho and Jisung. When I find their table, they're already looking at me. Minho does a little nod, as if he's saying "let's work together."

"I'll post the worksheets now. You can pick your groups."

I push my chair back and get up, taking Sooyun with me. "We're working with Minho and Jisung." I state.


We travel to their table. "can we work with you guys?" I ask, for the sake of being polite. Without replying, Minho drags two chairs and orders us to sit.

We open the group project and after Sooyun shares her document with the three of us, we begin working on separate sections. But soon enough, when I arrive at the diagram labeling part of the poison glands and silk glands, I start feeling a little nauseous so I skip that and jump to some of the analysis questions.

Question 1: Explain the ways the anatomy of a black widow is different from a human's.

There's too many. That would take forever. I check the next one.

Question 2: A black widow's digestive system is external, and is very different from that of a human's. Explain why this is and include explanations of both systems in your overview.

"eXplAin wHy THis iS" Well I don't know, maybe because it's a fucking spider??

As I'm trying not to get pissed at the assignment and instead do the research (though it's not really required, this was mostly explained in class I just wasn't listening), I catch myself nearly dozing off.

In humans, the small intestine is designed to...maximize the absorption...of nutrients....

No. Wake up.

The villi and microvilli as well as the 6-meter length...give it a large surface-area, which...contributes to the surface-area volume ratio...allowing more nutrients to...diffuse into the... cells...

Spiderlove ~ Lee Know ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat