chapter 16 :O

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" you h...hate volleyball" Minho pants next to me.

We're on our last lap and it's beginning to get hard to breathe. Our gymnasium is kind of massive.

"I...d-don't." I lie.

" kinda seems do."

"I bad...minton more" I reply. That part wasn't a lie.

"Wanna p...partner for badminton?" We accelerate a little, almost reaching the end.

"Y...yeah sure"

At last, we finish our warm up so we go to our bags to grab some water and a breath.

"I bet I could beat you in a match." Minho states confidently after drinking a gulp of water.

I chuckle. "Trust me, you can't."

"Wanna bet?" Minho offers, defiance in his eyes. "The loser has to do whatever the winner says."

"Okay but what about the reward only applies for you," I counteroffer after considering the proposition "No punishment if I win."

"Why?" Minho asks, confused. The earlier confidence is slightly lost.

"Because," I rise up to walk to where the equipment is, "I feel bad for you."

Minho follows me without saying anything else, and we reach the assortment of badminton equipment coach Lim laid out while we were running earlier.

I pick a random racket and test it with my hand. It's kind of heavy and feels very unfamiliar, but it'll have to do for now. Shrugging, I also grab a birdie, and goggles. Minho does the same.

Just as we're leaving the equipment station, a girl blocks our path. She's pretty. She's very petite, with short light chestnut hair up to her chin and very full bangs. She has a small face with a cute button nose and really good makeup that makes her eyes look huge. Eyes that are fixed on Minho.

"M-minho oppa, would...would y-you like to be my partner..?" she asks in an obnoxious shrill voice. I hope she didn't see me cringe at the forced cuteness.

Glancing at Minho, I note with not much surprise that he's completely unfazed.


"He means thanks for asking, but I already have a partner." I supply, rendering his original response a little less harsh.

I begin to walk away, thinking that's the end of it. Minho follows me. But suddenly, the girl grabs Minho by the wrist.

"B-but oppa, I asked you first." She pouts.

Instead of delving into her really weird behavior, I lean a little towards Minho and whisper, "she asked you? When?"

"Like as soon as I walked in, before I went to you. I didn't say yes though." He whispers back.

"Wait what's her name"

"Jiwoo, or something, I forgot."

"I'm right here you know," the girl speaks up, voice going slightly deeper than that high-pitched squeal. "And my name's Jiyoo."

"Right. So I'm not sure if you're aware of this, Jiyoo, but you actually need consent to be Minho's gym partner." I lecture, "He's not an item at a flea market you can just snatch and call yours because you saw it first. You need his permission. And clearly he said no, and no means no."

I grab Minho's other wrist, attempting to lead him away. But Jiyoo doesn't budge.

"But it's not fair! He can't just say yes to you when I asked first!!!" She complains loudly.

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