chapter 12 :D

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When I wake up the next day, everything is completely normal. I missed a good chunk of my alarm clocks again, I'm only half awake when I get ready and eat a makeshift breakfast, and I run out of my house whilst nearly forgetting my bag a lot later than I should have.

I'm on the bus when the events of the previous day come rushing back, making me smile.

Maybe I shouldn't be smiling. Yesterday was scary. But at the same time it had a happy ending.

I'm recounting the events in my head when my eyes catch a familiar old lady on the bus.

"Oh," I wave at her to get her attention, "Hello Halmoni!"

She turns to me, and it doesn't take her long to recognize me.

"Hello my dear! How are you?"

As an extrovert it doesn't come as a challenge for me to converse with random strangers I find nice. I'm glad she remembers me.

"I'm good! Off to school. Going to be late...again..."

She laughs softly. "You're just like my grandson. You should meet him one day."

I smile. Either the grandma is being polite or she forgot that meeting someone's family after a brief conversation on the bus is not exactly socially acceptable.

"Where are you headed to?" I inquire.

"To my little flower shop" she responds, with the most gleeful smile on her face. Her eyes disappear behind her wrinkled figure.

I'm about to ask more about her flower shop, but I notice we have already arrived at my stop.

"Gotta go, see you next time!" I exclaim quickly as I step out of the bus. Her frail hand slowly lifts to wave goodbye.

I pull out my phone to check the time. I'm definitely going to be late.

I start running and make it to ethics class three minutes after the bell rings. Today I'm lucky, however, since the teacher also happens to not be on time.

The day goes on normally. I'm bored out of my mind, my only form of entertainment being Sooyun's rants about the latest celebrity she's been simping for, which I would much rather listen to than the teacher.

I survive through the first period, and then the second somehow, and I don't know how I'm still alive by the third because my brain literally feels numb. And my stomach is growling. Can lunch please come faster?

It's in the middle of math class when we were working on a worksheet, when Sooyun decides to drop the bomb.

"Oh my god! You never told me what happened yesterday!"

I'm grateful for the distraction. These equations make no sense.

"Oh, that. Nothing much, just watched them dance. And then I ate dinner with them."

Sooyuns eyes fly up from her worksheet.

"I'm sorry did I mishear you or did you say YOU WENT ON A DATE WITH LEE MINHO?!" She slams her pencil on her desk.

"...yeah you definitely misheard me." I chuckle. This delusional girl. "I ate dinner with them. All of them. Or at least most of them. That's six people."

"Oh shut up, let me be happy for you. And still, you went to dinner with them? That's crazy??"

I roll my eyes playfully. "Yunnie I love you but stop overreacting. It was just dinner. We ate ramen. I do that all the time with you."

"Ok but still that's really cool. So Minho let you watch him dance and let you eat out with them. So he totally doesn't hate you anymore! I have no idea what changed but this can not get any better."

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