chapter 24 :[]

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"You don't need to be embarrassed," Seungmin says, watching Sooyun and I stand there in mortification. "This is a daily occurrence for me."

Though I trust that Seungmin has experienced his fair share of second hand embarrassment in the past, I'm sure nothing compares to overhearing his two best friends being gushed over by two of his other friends.

"Oh my gosh please don't tell them!" Sooyun cries, equally as embarrassed as I am. All I can do is clasp my hand over my burning, probably tomato-red face.

Seungmin snickers. "I won't. I keep secrets very well. This is not the only secret I am currently keeping."

"Ah ok..." I mumble over my hand, not entirely convinced. I'll just have to hope that he stands by his words and doesn't tell anyone about our conversation—and especially not two boys in particular.

"Time to put this into that one doc I have with the list of blackmail I've collected on everyone."

He's kidding. Right?...right?

"Yeona we're so dead." Sooyun groans.

From there, the conversation shifts to Seungmim explaining how he's always lonely on road trips since all of his friends are on the other two buses, and he's so grateful he has people to talk to now. Unfortunately, thanks to our negligence, we're stuck talking about the very thing I would really love not to hear about anymore.

"You guys are so typical, crushing on the popular boys like everyone else." Seungmin says, leaning back against his seat. "I hope you realize you have competition."

"Well I don't—" I begin.

Sooyun cuts me off. "It is not our fault you guys are the only non-nasty boys in our school. We're working with what we have. That's the only reason. Can you blame us?"

"The only reason. Right. That's not what I heard you saying two minutes ago."

"Can we please talk about something else?" I beg.

"Fine." Seungmin says, "What's your opinion on mint chocolate ice cream?"

"That's literally so random."

"If you want I can keep talking about Minho.."

I cough as soon as I hear the name. "Mint chip is delicious."

"Thank you." He smiles, satisfied with my response.


We both turn our heads to stare at Sooyun. She is observing her nails like those stuck-up rich people in Disney movies.

"I'm sorry you guys choose toothpaste as your choice of dessert. It must be hard to live like that."

"How dare you—" Seungmin starts.

"No, no, I respect you. Some people need to brush their teeth after eating dessert. But for you guys, that is your dessert."

I turn to Seungmin, pointing a thumb at her. "This is the one thing we disagree on."

"And the one thing you're wrong about" she shoots back

Although I still don't respect Sooyun's slander for one of my favorite ice cream flavors, that icebreaker was very effective in easing the awkwardness, and soon enough the three of us effortlessly fall into conversation. We talk about food, school, friends, TWICE, Sooyun's kpop crushes, playing multiplayer games on whoever's phone has the most battery, and not once am I bored.

We're in the middle of playing tic tac toe on my phone, when I get a notification. I'm about to swipe it away but stop when I see who it is.

Minho 💚💚

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