chapter 4 :'}

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We stay like that for a really long time.

Somehow, with my hand clasped gently in his, the extreme fear trapping me in paralysis from mere moments ago disappears. Much of the panic and trepidation is forgotten, and even with the foreboding knowledge of the creature that lurks on my head, everything's better with Minho on my side.

Carefully, I glance to the side without turning my head, in order to observe the boy next to me. Despite the tense situation, he looks very serene. His eyelids relax and his pink lips are parted ever so slightly. And his hair alone brings a placid air to him. I cannot lie when I say the lilac dye looks amazing on him, and not just because purple is my favourite colour.

As I admire his visuals, I look back on the time we've spent together, and everything he has done for me. He told me his life story, about his hobbies and his friends, and he even sang for me. To put it simply, he's a much nicer person than I thought.

Maybe we have a chance at becoming friends after all.

His eyes slowly begin to open until he's looking straight at me. Our eyes lock, and I feel yet another wave of heat rushing up to my face. Time seems to freeze around us as a tunnel forms between us, with me on one end and him on the other.

All of a sudden, the entire world crashes when I feel something moving on my head.

There's a spider on my head.

And the way Minho's eyes widen in horror even more confirms my suspicions.

The spider on my head has woken up.

A gruesome feeling is quick to set deep in my stomach, and I feel sick and nauseous out of nowhere. I can feel the way the black widow walks slowly across my head, knowing full well it can strike at any given moment. The courage Minho urged me to muster by holding my hand disappears in a matter of seconds, and I lose my sense of touch as the hand that is still holding mine seems to be replaced by the hand of panic, taking a suffocating hold of me.

My body yanks my hand away from him and clenches into tight fists. I'm quivering again. I'm tearing up again.

There's a spider on my head.

My body instinctively yanks my hand away from his and clenches into a tight fist, nail digging deep into my skin. My limbs start quivering again.

There's a spider on my head.

Each time one of the eight legs makes a step across my scalp, it feels as if a nail is slowly jamming itself into my skull. And each time that happens, a cold shiver sends through my body.

There's a spider on my head.

Words cannot describe how terrified I am. How hard I'm trying not to jump and shake around in a futile attempt to desperately try getting the dreadful creature off of me.

I'm not even given enough time to process the fact that the spider on my head is active by the time it begins moving farther away from the top of my head...and making its way onto my face.

I shut up eyes tightly, causing the few buds of tears I was struggling to keep in to push out and trail down my face. I start to feel the sharp legs drilling the upper part of my face now, making their way downwards.

There's a spider on my face.

~minho's pov~

I'm so shocked that I think I didn't blink for two minutes

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I'm so shocked that I think I didn't blink for two minutes.

When pest control failed to come within a reasonable time, I began internally cursing. I held onto the desperate hope that maybe, if we were really lucky, the black widow would stay asleep forever.

But it didn't

I'm scared.

Scared of the spider, yes. And while it seems like my rationale was thrown out the window when I decided to help Yeona out of pity, since I could literally die too, what I'm most afraid for is Yeona.

This girl is seconds away from dying and I can't do anything about it, and the knowledge of this is killing me inside. I can stand here, hold her hand, sing her songs, and make futile attempts to calm her down, but I can't just kindly tell the spider to please not bite her.

Yeona can't die today.

Not today.


As I watch the pain on Yeona's face increase more and more, I bite my lips and pull out my phone for one moment, to check the time. It's 11:11 AM. Class was supposed to end over an hour ago, meaning we've been in here for two.

It's at that moment that I recall something Jeongin says a lot.

"Look at the time, it's 11:11! quick, make a wish" he'd say. I would roll my eyes every time, thinking it so silly of him to believe in stuff like that.

I've never been superstitious, but right now it's at least worth a try, no?

"Please let Yeona be okay." I silently wish.

Moments later, like a true miracle, my wish is granted.

~yeona's pov~

I'm so hyper-focused on the spider crawling over my face that I don't hear the door shove open. I don't see the group of masked adults armed with tools barging in. I don't hear the people shouting instructions and executing commands. I don't notice my classmates outside the room jumping up and down peeking through the commotion, desperately trying to figure out if I'm alive.

I don't notice any of it, until I finally feel the unbearable sensation leave my face.

It's such an unfamiliar setting that for a moment, I feel like I must already be in heaven. Still half-convinced I died in my state of shock, I dare to open my eyes. The first thing I see is a bunch of strangers scurrying around, handling the giant jet-black spider that just left my face.

And the second thing that I see is Minho, still standing right in front of me.

The spider is no longer on my head.

It takes me way too long to process this information. But once it finally registers, I burst.

It feels like every single emotion I was struggling to suppress just minutes ago in order to ensure zero movement is suddenly being let out like a raging river. Confusion overwhelms me as I unknowingly fling myself into Minho's arms, sobbing like my life depends on it. The relentless tears I was holding for the length of two hours refuse to cease flowing in copious amounts down my face.

Minho says nothing.

After a while of me just crying on top of him, he finally wraps two arms around me ever so gently, and slightly awkwardly pats my back. When he pulls me in closer to his chest, the confusion and panic slowly start to seep away.

It feels like I've been crying in his arms for ages when I finally compose myself enough to sniff away the remainder of the tears. That's when I realize how damp the sweater he's wearing has become, thanks to my tears. Guiltily, I try pulling away from his embrace, but he doesn't allow me to move, tightening his hold on me. 

"Hey, it's alright. Everything's over now."

At his words, every last lingering bit of fear leaves me for good.


(a/n: uwu
tysm minho)

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