Chapter 20 :o

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I make my way to the gym, and unsurprisingly I'm the first one there. I take the initiative to set up the nets and lay out the equipment for those who don't have their own rackets. Soon enough an assortment of high school students, from grade nine all the way to grade twelve, come pouring in.

It only takes ten minutes for the gym to be filled with around forty excited teens. And the coach is still not here. I guess that's what the assistant is for.

"Hello everybody!" I shout, effectively quieting the excited aspiring badminton players. I see recognition dawn on a few of the students' faces as they see me, some even turning to the famous banner. I grin.

"Welcome to the 2016 Badminton season tryouts! Coach Jeon isn't here yet so I will explain how things will work today. Please pay attention because this is important!

"Badminton qualifies a total of ten players: two for girls doubles, two for boys doubles, two for mixed doubles, one for junior boys singles, one for senior boys singles, one for junior girls singles, and finally one for senior girls singles. Today, we are holding tryouts to decide these positions.

"Tryouts will not be tournament style. You will be playing against different people in singles matches in half courts, for a total of three games. Coach and I will count your wins and the score, as well as observe your technique carefully. We will also do our best to put you against people at the same level as you." I finish my explanation. People nod in comprehension. "Does anyone have any questions?"

A see a familiar hand fly up.

"Yes, Yeonjun-ah."

Smirking, the boy asks, "Do we still have to try out if we made the team last year?"

I roll my eyes playfully. "You still have to try out. Although I trust you won't have an issue on making the team, you can leave if you don't want to."

Yeonjun shrugs. "Just wanted to save time. Chill."

Choi Yeonjun is in twelfth grade, and he is the best player in the school after me. He was actually supposed to be the team captain since it's conventional for the captain to be in grade twelve. However, I was seen as a better fit for the position.

He's okay with it though, since he's also the captain of the volleyball team, and was one of the leaders of the dance team before he joined an actual dance crew outside of school. He's really number one in almost anything you can think of.

We are very similar in various ways: we are both good at badminton (we always play each other because he's the only person that can match me), we are both overachievers (him a little more than me though), and we both have pretty large egos (again, him more than me).


And the fact that he was the senior boys single player for the past three years really feeds to that ego.

Returning to the present, I see someone else raise their hand, and I recognize her from last year's tryouts but don't remember her name. 

"Yes?" I nod towards the girl.

"How do we know if we made the team?"

"I will send everyone an email sometime this week. If you made the team, I will also tell you your position." I explain. The girl nods.

"I think that's all the questions. Coach Jeon should be here soon, so you guys can go ahead and start warming."

With that, the students scurry to prepare their equipment, and soon the whole gym is occupied with goggled students rallying with their friends, getting ready for the real deal.

Spiderlove ~ Lee Minho ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora