chapter 18 :-D

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It's been a long day, and now it's finally evening. I'm lying on my bed slouched against the wall in a really bad position that is probably killing my back right now, on my computer looking through my emails. I'm supposed to be sending stuff regarding badminton tryouts and making a sign-up form, but I got carried away by the overwhelming amount of unread mail from the fact that I haven't opened my inbox in a month. So right now, I'm going through my emails and deleting all the unnecessary ones (most of them). I'll do the badminton thing when all that's done.

As I'm filtering through my collection of emails, my eyes land on something.

*GRADE 11 ANNUAL FIELD TRIP 2016 - Cabin requests*

I click on the email and skim through the contents.

I completely forgot that the annual field trip existed, let alone that it's soon. I feel like I have a faint memory of someone talking about it, but that's it.

I stop scrolling at the final sentence.


Well shit.

I nearly drop my phone as I speed dial Sooyun's number. She picks up after two rings.

"What's up Yeoyeo..." she yawns from the other line.

"Did you fill out the form yet?" I ask hastily

"Oh thank god, you finally remembered. No, because you told me that you would call me back about it when I told you about it last week!"


I literally have no recollection of Sooyun telling me about the field trip. Maybe she was the person at the back of my mind that I seemed to remember earlier.

"And now we have one day left. better late than never, I guess. Anyways, who do you want to request??"

"Hold on, let me read it again."


I reread the email in more detail this time. It says the following:

Hello Class of 2017,

From October 20th - 22nd all 11th grade students have been invited to go to Camp Camellia for an Outdoor Education trip. Your parents/guardians have been sent consent forms which need to be completed.

As a part of our commitment towards cultivating an inclusive school community, JYP National High School acknowledges and supports the fluidity of gender and gender identification in all its forms. Upon request, room assignments may be single-gender or all-gender.

This year, cabins will house 8-10 students each. Below, please indicate three choices for cabin mates - we will do our best to accommodate at least one of your requests.

link to form:

After digesting all of the new information, I go back to my call with my best friend.

"The cabins are eight to ten?"

"Yeah." comes the familiar voice from the other line, "They're big this year. Oh, and! They're doing co-ed cabins this time!"

"I saw! I think it's the first time they've done this."

"Yeah. Yay! So who are you thinking we should request?"

I think for a minute, but no definite answer comes to mind. "We could do the girls we picked last year?" I suggest at last.

"Hm...I don't know," I can almost see Sooyun shaking her head through the phone. "I don't think they like us very much anymore..."

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