chapter 30 =|

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~minho's pov~

I open my eyes groggily and find myself lying on an old, dusty bed.

Groaning, I sit up, and the bed creaks as I shift around in a sitting position.

Where am I?

I open my eyes completely and look around. I'm laying on a dusty old bed, and next to me is a small table with a glass of water. There are first aid kits hanging on the walls. I spot the door, where a sign is hanging: Nurse's office

That's strange. I feel no pain anywhere. Why am I here?

"You're finally awake!"

I turn towards the voice, and sitting on a chair next to me is Jisung. I didn't even notice he was there. Maybe it's because we're always together.

"What time is it?" I ask. 

Out of all the questions I have, this is the one I'm least pressed to ask, but it comes out anyway.

"Ten to six. Almost dinner time."

I nod slowly, even though my confusion has not diminished.

"I was so worried. How are you feeling? Are you okay?" He asks frantically.

I nod again. I feel perfectly fine, I'm just very confused. I can't seem to remember how I got here.

"What happened?" I inquire.

"You fainted. While hiking the mountain."


I remember now.

My stupid ass thought that I would be able to climb a mountain without freaking out, because I wanted to be with Yeona.


"Here we are, Minho," his mother told the eight-year-old, "the Namsan Seoul Tower."

Minho stared up at the massive building and swallowed in nervousness. It looked slightly less tall in the pictures online.

"Well? Are you ready?"

"Eomma, I'm scared..." the child whispered. He didn't know where this sudden shyness was coming from, but he suddenly felt like he didn't want to climb the tower after all.

"Honey, you're the one that wanted to climb the tower, remember? This is your reward for doing so well on your tests at school."

Right, school.

Minho went to an elementary school for gifted students, which engaged in enriched mathematics and science, as well as other subjects not taught in regular schools. Back then, Minho didn't think about it too much. He never thought too deeply about what he actually enjoyed. Was it academics, or other things? Were there other options he wasn't being given the chance to experience? Was there really a point in embracing his heightened intelligence so early on inlife, even if it meant an overwhelming amount of stress and pressure to please his parents? He didn't think about these things because he was eight.

He had expressed his desire to see the N Seoul Tower one day, and he was delighted when his mother had informed him that if he did well on his assessments, she would take him. He worked very hard, just like he always did, except this time it was more than just the burden of making his parents proud.

And he was finally here, but for some reason he just wasn't feeling as excited.

"Enough dilly-dallying Minho, let's go."

Minho closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"No need to be afraid. You're a big boy." He told himself.

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