chapter 31 xD

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~yeona's pov~

I'm sitting by the lake on my own, buried deep in my thoughts. Technically I'm not supposed to be here. I've been sitting here for a while and it's already dinner time. It's getting pretty dark, not to mention there's no one supervising. But I can't really seem to care right now.

I'm not even sure why I'm here. Am I mad at Minho? Not really. Just...worried I guess. Betrayed? Disappointed? Why am I acting like his mom now?

~flashback, this morning~

"I don't feel so good—"

Without warning, the tight grip left my arm, and I watched with horror as his own arms went limp.

At that moment, blaring alarms sounded in my head, warning me for the worst. This cannot be happening.

And he falls down the mountain.

It felt like slow motion. Intense panic took over my senses and I could no longer think anymore. All logic left my being, and I found myself in the hands of my instincts. Working on adrenaline, I reached out and caught his flailing arm, just before he was out of reach, just before he was about to take the fall.

My arms shook uncontrollably, and all I could do was thank whatever invisible force gave me the strength to lift up his limp body. The force that allowed me to not drop him.

Mustering as much strength as I could, I heaved him back up to my level, and all the while he stood unconscious. The other students had noticed what was going on, and had notified the leader. Chungha and some other students quickly came to my aid and together we carried Minho up the rest of the way.

It was only when we reached the top that my brain started working again, and that it made the click.

Minho had nearly died.

He had just barely escaped death, by a thread as thin as a spider web, and I was the one who saved him.

I screamed.

~end of flashback~

I was so scared at that moment. And what scares me almost as much was that Minho didn't think his acrophobia was important enough to tell me. He almost died, and for some reason I was left in the dark.

I sigh deeply. I stare across the lake, the glossy surface now becoming hard to see. The moon glows faintly above the water and if I squint, I can make out a few ripples created by fish as they play in the freshwater.

I should probably get back, they must be waiting.


I don't acknowledge the familiar voice. I remain unmoving, still staring across the water, but I don't protest when he sits next to me.

Nothing is said for what seems like forever. We just sit there, staring across the landscape with solemn expressions.

"I'm sorry." He finally blurts out.

"'S okay." I tell him simply.

"I had no idea what happened. I...I'm sorry. I should've told you."

I sigh. Despite being very upset at Minho for not telling me, deep down all I can feel is gratitude that he's here sitting next to me. That he's alive.

(a/n: deep down by txt TvT)

"I'm just glad you're okay," 

Again, nothing is said for a while but the atmosphere has become less tense and more peaceful.

Spiderlove ~ Lee Know ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon