chapter 22 ='P

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I should be out of my bed by now but I'm not. I can't. Because all I can think about is how today, more than other days, I really do not want to go to school. And it's all because of Hyunjin.

Though I successfully ignored Hyunjin's voice lurking at the back of my head yesterday, it returned and kept me up all night. But what I'm worried about more than his words are mine. Because along with the words he said to me came the words I said to him. I feel bad and it won't stop bothering me.

Deciding I've been wasting too much time, I take my phone from my bedside table and unplug it from the charger. I open KakaoTalk and begin to write a long apology but then...

Fuck it.

I click on the call button.

Calling Hyunjin 🤍...

It doesn't take him long to pick up. After all, it's late in the morning and I'm probably the only highschooler in the world who's still in bed right now.

"What's up Yeona?" his voice comes from the other line.

"I'm sorry." I blurt out.

With not much hesitation, he says "It's okay." He already knows what I'm talking about.

"No it's not." I say, "I shouldn't have said that and I don't know why I did. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry."

"Yeona it's fine," he assures, "you were right. I shouldn't have pushed it when you clearly didn't want to talk about it. It's my fault. Won't happen again, alright?"

"Okay..." I mumble, unsure.

"And I sincerely hope that didn't change anything between you and Minho because 'm glad you two became friends. I think it brought you and me closer together too."


"And," he continues, "I'm glad we got closer because you're a really cool person. Yeah."

I sniffle, getting emotional. "You too, Hyunjin."

"Thanks. So we're good, yeah?"

"Wait. One more thing."


I take a deep breath. "I'm still sorry I said that were right. Minho does make me happy."

I hear Hyunjin's static voice giggle.

"I know."

(a/n: i know you know lee know we all know ;)


I really hate my brain for overthinking last night because by the time school ends I'm exhausted and ready to die. Or collapse onto my bed as soon as I get home, whichever comes first.

So I collect everything from my permanently cluttered locker and prepare to leave. I shut the door and...

"AH! Oh my god you scared me!" I yelp, nearly falling backwards.

"Surprise~" Minho says in a funny voice.

He's leaning nonchalantly on the locker next to mine like a jock in those cliché high school movies, previously hidden by my own locker's open door.

"You look like a bad boy." I remark.

"I am a bad boy."

"Okay bad boy, what do you want."

"To show you something."

And before I can utter another word, he takes my hand and leads me to the gymnasium.

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