chapter 2 ={

489 24 44

Twenty-one minutes left.

Twenty-one minutes except it feels like twenty-one hours. And all I can think as the time trickles away at a snail's speed, is When is this class going to end?

That thought is not one that I don't hear in my head often during science class, naturally being my least favourite subject even without both the lingering dread of dead spiders and the unbearable attitude Mrs. Choi has towards me. In fact, I probably wonder the same thing every time I find myself in this room.

The thought of Mrs. Choi makes me wonder why she even hates me so much. Is she mean to every helpless student in this school, or is it just me?

It probably is just me.

I've got to admit, I've never liked science and never made an effort in class. She probably hated me the second she got a good look at me, but this is my second year having her as a teacher and let's just say I haven't improved.

But right now, Mrs. Choi isn't the issue. The embarrassing amount of times a classmate steals an awkward glance at me, quickly turning away when I catch them, is not the issue either. It's the spider.

The spider makes class feel a million times longer, and that same thought repeats itself in my head more than usual. I cannot be in the same room as a spider and be expected to act calm and normal. My heart will go at two hundred beats per minute.

One of my many unpleasant memories comes rushing back. One with a spider.


"Yeonaaaaa, we have a present for you!" a sweet voice called out.

The sweet voice belonged to a definitely not sweet person: Hyeoki. In fact, to seven year old Yeona, she was the definition of the devil.

Yeona ran through the halls of the elementary school as fast as she could. She ran for her life. She didn't care if the other children were staring at her, wondering what imaginary demon she saw to bear that horrified look on her face. She didn't care if the hall monitor ladies were trying to get her to stop. She didn't care if the teachers were yelling after her. She had to escape Hyeoki.

Hyeoki, your typical popular mean girl. Except she was seven.

The thing was, for Yeona, the whole popularity system hierarchy thing started in elementary school. There existed big and small friend groups, nice and mean girls, and popular and outcast people.

And then there was Hyeoki, the queen bee who every naïve little boy wanted to kiss. Even at seven years old. She was the leader of her group, in which the other members whom she called "friends" were all her minions, and the unofficial ruler of the school. She also hated Yeona.

Yeona was not sure when Hyeoki started to hate her, or why. Was it because of looks? Personality? No reason? Who can make judgments like that at seven years old anyways?

As Yeona sped through the halls, the answer became more and more clear to her. Hyeoki hated her because Yeona wasn't afraid of her.

The entire grade--no the school--was intimidated by Hyeoki. People would fall to their knees before her and would listen to every unreasonable command the spoiled girl spat out. This applied even for the teachers, since her father was a rich CEO. Everyone was scared of her, except Yeona.

Yeona didn't tremble or budge before Hyeoki. Yeona stood her ground and laughed, because it was all stupid to the point that she found it funny. This made Hyeoki livid, which made her act even more ridiculous, but that only made Yeona laugh more. It didn't matter what Hyeoki did, Yeona wasn't afraid.

Spiderlove ~ Lee Know ✓Where stories live. Discover now