chapter 38 =O

413 21 61

"Yeonjun's sick."

"Really?" I exclaim in slight disbelief.

I know it was cruel of me to schedule practice on a Monday morning, but I have to follow the schedule. Yet out of all the complaining I was expecting, I did not think this would result in Yeonjun being absent. I was about to call him asking about it, when Soobin entered the gym.

And when he announces why Yeonjun hasn't come, all I can do is respond in bafflement because Choi Yeonjun is known for never skipping practice, even when he's sick. Even when we tell him not to in case he makes the rest of us sick. He's very stubborn about it.

"He has a flu and he's vomiting everywhere." explains Soobin. "It's pretty bad. And also he thinks he looks ugly right now even though he doesn't so he didn't want to go out in public."

"Oh my gosh is he okay?" I gasp in concern.

"Yeah he's fine."

"Will he be okay for the competition?" I question, suddenly worried that our best player will have to be scratched from the tournament.

"Relax, there's ten days," Soobin reassures, "He'll be fine by then."

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Well...tell him to get well soon." I plead, genuinely pitiful for my badminton buddy.

His situation does not sound fun. I can just imagine how frustrated he must be at being forced to skip school and not being able to see his friends (just like me attending school to actually learn is not his philosophy).

"I will."

Soobin doesn't move after he says that, and it takes me a painfully long amount of time to acknowledge the awkwardness that has fallen over the two of us just standing there like NPCs.

"So, are you still gonna stay?" I offer, breaking the silence, "You're welcome to."

He smiles. "Yeah, why not."

Soobin heads to the bleachers and sits down. Coincidentally, that's exactly where Minho, who just entered the gym, decides to put down his belongings and prepare. They immediately start a conversation, which makes me realize that they've been talking a lot during these practices. In fact, if he isn't saying something to Yeonjun, the person Soobin is usually talking with is Minho.

Minho has really pretty hair...

Realizing with horror that I'm staring at them, I slap myself following that unprompted thought and scurry away to do something else. Stupid brain.

It's not wrong.

He has a really pretty face too...

I shake my head around in a frenzy, attempting to make the thoughts go away. Wrong place wrong time, Yeona.

He has a really pretty body too...

"Oh my gosh shut up!"

Realizing I yelled that out loud, I cautiously glance around the gym, but fortunately it doesn't seem like anyone heard.

"Are you okay?

I jump in my spot when I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder. To my relief, it's just Coach Jeon.

"Oh. Sorry coach, I'm just...tired. Yeah. Um, Yeonjun-ah isn't here today so I'm just gonna help people."

Or I could ask Minho to play with me...

Stop thinking about Minho you weirdo!

"Sounds good." Coach says, before walking away.

I look around again, and note that everyone has already started practicing. Today, Yuqi and Mingi seem to be discussing the best team tactics to execute for the tournament. Woonhak and Ruka are warming up, and Minho, Seonghwa, Yeji, and Ryujin are playing a game.

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