Chapter 25 :>

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I exit the bathroom stall and step out into the sink area, clothes stuffed in the tote bag that I'm holding. Sooyun isn't out yet, so I wait for her. In the meantime, I take the time to look around.

The bathroom is pretty dirty; the floors are littered with specks of dry mud, the walls are cracked with dry paint peeling off of them, and the mirrors in front of the sinks are covered in water stains.

I look into the dirty bathroom mirror and focus on my reflection. I scan my face, then my body. The lavender nylon fabric of my one-piece hugs tightly around my skin, revealing things that could otherwise be hidden by regular clothing. Things that sometimes I don't want to see, but right now I kind of have no choice.

 Things that sometimes I don't want to see, but right now I kind of have no choice

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(a/n: yeona's swimsuit)

I'm not entirely flat (though there's nothing wrong with that), unlike some of the super skinny girls in my school that I'm sometimes jealous of because they can eat whatever they want. My metabolism isn't excruciatingly slow, but it's not fast either so I have to generally watch what I eat.

My eyes travel to my legs. Immediately I wince at how short they are. I'm a tall person, and definitely taller than Sooyun, but my legs decided to be short while my torso decided to be long. That's not the only thing that bothers me though.

My biggest insecurity has to be my thighs. Usually I'm a very confident person and only get insecure about certain things, but when it comes to my legs and in particular my thighs...I don't know. I hate it. My calves are thin and pretty, meanwhile my thighs are thick, and I hate it. I wish my thighs could be skinny like my calves.

I refuse to do anything stupid to "fix" my legs, knowing full well there's probably little I can change without damaging my health. So at school, I play it off with skirts and shorts that go up to my knees, or my personal favorite: sweatpants.

However, the fact remains that when you're wearing a bathing suit, hiding it is obviously not an option.

"Don't you dare be insecure." I hear the voice of my best friend, as she exits from her own stall. For a second, I was so concentrated on judging my body that I forgot she was even in the same room as me.

"You're gorgeous. Would smash."

"Yunnie!" I exclaim, taken aback. I'm filled with both very slight shyness and utter appreciation for my best friend.

Sooyun is wearing her black swimsuit with cute frilly straps. Sooyun has a really pretty body that she for some reason never shows off, always wearing sweaters and baggy jeans. She's really curvy, and despite being short in height, her legs are long and they make her look tall and confident. There's so much about her that nobody sees.

 There's so much about her that nobody sees

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(a/n: sooyun's swimsuit!)

"You too," I say, staring at the two of us in the dirty mirror, "Don't you dare be insecure too."

Sooyun knows everything about me, including my insecurities, and the same goes for me. I know that her biggest insecurity is her arms. Her upper arms are thick and a bit muscular, but I always need to remind her that muscle is a really good thing and she shouldn't try to lose it. She compares herself to kpop idols way too much sometimes.

And her other insecurity is her height. She constantly complains about how much it bothers her that she only reaches up to my shoulder, and I can't seem to make her understand how she's beautiful no matter what and her height is literally the last thing people care about. What she's lacking in height all went straight to her gorgeous face and personality.

Sooyun smiles at me, then hugs me. It's warm and sweet. In that moment I feel incredibly privileged to have such an amazing friend. I feel like I don't deserve her. She's just so wonderful.

"Why are you wearing the black one?" I ask, eyeing her fancy swimsuit. Sooyun has two swimsuits, one that she only wears on special occasions and in clean chlorine water (definitely not lake water), and another one, old and faded yellow with barely any stretch left, that she brings specifically for camps or dirtier water. She doesn't want to ruin her expensive one, so seeing her bring this one surprises me.

Sooyun simply shrugs. "I look better in this one."

"Ooh~" I tease, wiggling my eyebrows, "who are you trying to impress soOyUN!" I explode into laughter as she lunges to cover my mouth, effectively shutting me up.

"Let's just go, shall we?"

And so we leave the girl's change room. And I feel happy.



when i read fanfictions, the fem lead is often this gorgeous perfect flawless model-like girl and when said girl is y/n it kinda gives me the ick because not only am I not perfect, but nobody's perfect. In all seriousness, not even stray kids! So I wanted Yeona (and Sooyun) to be a little different.

By the way, you're so pretty. yes YOU. I'm also really pretty. Everyone is pretty and what makes us all pretty is that wer'e pretty in our own way, not just the pinterest way. And everyone is allowed to be insecure, about whatever it may be. skinny girls, chubby girls, flat girls, curvy girls, tall girls, short girls, they're ALL beautiful ^^

fun fact! the name 'Yeona' is based on 'y/n'!!

I won't keep you for too long. I posted the next chapter cuz this was short + pretty much a filler (but important) and ik were all waiting for the next one :DDDD)

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