chapter 28 :L

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~yeona's pov~

"I can't believe we're only here for one more night after this." Hyunjin says.

The eight of us are currently sitting on our beds (or more like each other's beds), talking quietly since it's late and way past lights out time.

After swimming, we did all sorts of activities. First we did a nature walk, then we did high ropes in the trees (which Minho opted to skip because he was too tired), then we played soccer, and finally we had an interesting dinner in the dining hall. The food...wasn't the best, but at this point I have low standards for camp food.

I'm worn out from all the activities, but today was fun.

And now it's nighttime and we are back in the cabin.

"Yeah. The day went by so fast," Felix responds from Changbins bed.

The current bunk setup is Felix, Hyunjin and Changbin all laying in one top bed for some reason, Seungmin already dozing off in his own bed, Sooyun and I in my bed on the bottom, and Minho and Jisung next to us in Minho's bed. I told Sooyun she should go sit with Jisung so I could sit with Minho but she was too shy and embarrassed.

"What activities do we have tomorrow?" I ask.

"I heard we have archery, swimming, hiking a mountain, and some other stuff maybe." Felix provides.

"Mountain?" Sooyun groans. "That's so tiring, I don't want to do that."

"Me too." agrees Minho.

"Come on guys, it could be fun!" I say, trying to lighten the mood. "We don't really have a choice anyways, since they're probably going to force us, so we might as well enjoy the mountain air and stuff."

The crowd nods in agreement, but Minho stays silent.

"Oh yeah. What are we doing for the talent show?" Jisung asks.

"You guys should do a dance." I suggest.

"Hm..." says Jisung, "no we want to do something with you. And we want to do something stupid."

"...which do you want more?"

"Something stupid."

"I have an idea!" yells Changbin, nearly waking Seungmin. "We should sing my little pony."

"You're kidding me right?" Jisung snaps at him. "That's so bad. We should sing Frozen."

"Oh my god!" Minho starts, "We should—"

"Eomma eomma gah!!!" interrupts Changbin.

"Shut the fuck up Changbin. We should sing...wait, what's it called? Into the alone?"

I stare at him incredulously, on the verge of tears. "You—you mean "Into the Unknown"?"

"That's what I said." Minho says. I facepalm.

"But Let it Go is better." argues Hyunjin.

"If we're doing Let it Go, I'm Elsa." Felix chimes in.

"Bro you can't even sing."

"Excuse you?! I can sing! That's so rude."

"You can't sing that high you deep-voiced demon."

"Guys can we do You're Welcome from Moana"

"No you know what we should totally do?? Hakuna matata!"

"Why are all of these songs from Disney movies?"

"Disney movies just have the best songs."

After a lot of bickering, with Sooyun just watching with bewilderment from the side, and me occasionally chiming in with a ridiculous suggestion, they finally decide that for the talent show, we're going to all sing Let it Go.

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