chapter 42 x//3

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"What's your favourite Ghibli movie?" Minho asks.

I'm still sitting on his bed with my mouth agape as he stands up to search for his computer. Shaking myself out of a trance, I decide to respond before it gets too awkward.

"Howl's Moving Castle. But I like all of them."

Wordlessly, Minho plops back down on the bed, turns on his computer, and opens Netflix. He types the name of the film into the search bar and clicks play. Then, as the opening scene rolls in, he reorganizes the two pillows on the bed, putting them against the wall to lean on one of them.

"Come closer."

It takes me a while to register his command, but soon enough I find myself shuffling to his side. I let go of Doongie, who runs off to go somewhere else, in order to lean back on the other pillow, which is placed dangerously close to him. He crosses his legs, repositioning the computer on his lap, so I do the same, until it's just me and him sitting on his bed side by side watching my favourite movie.

What I do not expect at all is for him to pull the covers over us.

My breath hitches as he grasps the blanket and pulls it over both of us. Although neither of our positions change, the whole situation instantly feels more intimate. The fluttery sensations in my stomach increase by tenfold and I feel myself heating up, not just because of the blanket.

"You warm?" Minho poses.

"Yes~" I manage to breathe out.

He smiles and directs his attention to the movie, as do I, trying to put all my focus on the lovely plot and not the boy sitting way too close next to me under a shared blanket.

And it actually works. I gleefully watch the girl in the movie turn into an old lady, and I begin to recall the events of the story. It's a beautiful tale, having minimal violence, sweet romance, and an overall message of peace. I let myself become completely invested, until it feels like I've been absorbed into Howl's Castle, sucked in through the screen itself.

It's only when Minho lets out a quiet laugh that I snap back to the real world.

The current scene is when Howl admits to being scared as he lays in his bed all depressed and grumpy because his hair turned from blonde to black, but there's nothing particularly funny about it.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Nothing." Minho responds. "You comfy?"


"Okay Yeons." he chuckles again.

Confused, I take a moment to take note of the environment and it's at that moment that I realize with slight horror that I'm leaning on him.

It's a stupid habit that I have, where I cuddle with whoever I happen to be watching a movie with, mostly Sooyun.

But right now, I'm literally cuddling against Minho.

Embarrassed and mortified, I try to heave myself off his shoulder and quickly move away, but I'm never given the opportunity.

Minho brings an arm around me, pulling me back against him.

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