chapter 43 :x

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I take a deep breath, trying to get my racing heart to calm down as I stand before the bubble tea shop, the very first place I spent time with Minho alone.

Wait, so does this mean this is technically our second date?

Shaking the thought out of my head, I check my outfit one last time, a pretty summer dress that reaches my ankles. Sooyun lent it to me, after taking one look at my closet and saying all my dresses are ugly.

 Sooyun lent it to me, after taking one look at my closet and saying all my dresses are ugly

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I'm getting distracted from my objective.

I feel nervousness once again taking over my senses. Anything can happen today, once I walk through those doors. Things between us can change for good. Are you ready?

"Yes." I tell myself out loud.

Taking a deep breath, I push the door open and walk in. It doesn't take me long to spot my date, sitting casually at a table by the window, on his phone.

"Late as always, I see." he says, locking his phone and placing it face down on the table when he sees me approaching.

"I'm not! You're early!"

He laughs as he gets up from his chair. "Lets order?"

I nod and we head to the back of the line behind the counter.

As we wait behind the slowly diminishing line, awkward silence falls over us. It's so strange, because usually everything is so comfortable between us. I try to open my mouth to fill the silence several times, but I cannot quite figure out what to say.

"Are you getting the same thing as last time?" I finally manage.

Minho nods. "Yeah."

The dense silence returns and I busy myself by staring at the drink promotion posters hung up over the walls.

At some point, my eyes travel back to Minho, who was staring at me.

Even the eye contact is awkward, and it makes both of us burst into laughter simultaneously.

"This is so dumb..." I say.

"Why are we even nervous?" Minho agrees, "This is like our second time here."

We both laugh again, and it seems like the relaxed atmosphere that we usually experience has returned.

"If this is our second time here...does that mean this is technically our second date?" I venture.

Minho shrugs, with a grin on his face. "It could be if you want."

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