chapter 47 :|

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~yeonas pov~

I manage to wake up and make it to school at a decent time, even though staying home and doing nothing is still my strongest desire.

In class, every word spoken by my teachers goes through one ear and out the other, unable to pay attention or care. Each class goes by in a flash, and then it's time for lunch.

Without even sparing a glance at the other table, I make my way to our new one. Sooyun isn't there yet this time, so I sit down and wait silently.


I'm not even given the chance to take out my lunch before I nearly fall off my chair in fright at the sound of a boy's voice behind me.

It's Jisung.

"I'm sitting with you." He says, one hand on the backpack slung over his shoulder, and the other already on the back of a chair. "Is that okay?"

I just stare at him for a while, before turning inquisitively to the table he's supposed to be sitting at. Everyone sitting there is staring at us with wide eyes, some of the boys showing surprise or curiosity, while others are smiling for some reason. Even Minho is staring at the interaction with a dumbstruck expression, even with Hyesu trying to nudge him away.

My heart begins to ache the second my eyes land on him. So I quickly turn back to the boy standing in front of me and nod without giving it a second thought. I can't blame him for not wanting to sit with Minho and Hyesu.

Grinning, Jisung pulls the chair he was holding onto and sits down. It isn't the one next to me, but the one two seats away from me, next to where Sooyun is going to sit.

Sooyun arrives a few minutes later. Immediately, she's caught by surprise at the new addition, but before long she takes her seat next to me, nodding towards Jisung with a smile.

For a while, I eat my food in silence, but I can't help it when I turn to the other table one more time. I was expecting everyone to go back to minding their own business, but instead, they are still looking at us...except they aren't all there.

That's when I see Hyunjin and Felix walking towards our table and sitting down without saying a word.

Just a few minutes later, Seungmin and Chan also join, and then Changbin and Jeongin too. Until the entire group has relocated to this table, except for Minho.

The rest of lunch is spent in silence, but the missing loudness is substituted with the glares everyone makes to Minho and Hyesu, and the reciprocated glances Minho sends our way. It's louder than any conversation ever could be.

For a moment, despite the solemn silence, our family feels a little more complete again. The only person that's missing is, and I hate myself for saying this, the one I miss the most.


After school, it's the same thing. I'm surprised when I see seven boys and my best friend waiting by my locker, not Chan's. Minho is nowhere to be seen. And even though I know exactly why, and even though I told myself I never want to see him again...a part of me stuffed deep down wishes he was also here.

"Do you want to do something, Yeona?" Seungmin asks, pulling me out of my daze, "We can go wherever you like."

I smile at the thoughtfulness of my friends and at the fact that despite everything, they picked me over Minho. It's crazy how I met these people through Minho, yet here they are offering me moral support after my argument with him.

I know the reason they are asking if I want to hang out is because that's what we did all the time before everything went wrong. It's not just for me, it's a desperate effort at making everything a little more normal for everyone. So I try my hardest to think of anything I would like to do, but the only place my heart calls for is home.

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