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Park mansion~

Park Jay tried calling the same number again that he was trying for last ten minutes. Yet again no one picked up. Jay sighed, cutting the call. "Ha... He's not picking up." He said, turning to his wife and mother.

"He must be knocked out like he predicted." Sejeong said, to which her mother-in-law tsked and responded, "After all we still needed your brother's help to take care of your own child."

Jay looked away, mad at how his mother was right.

The night Jimin was found missing from the hospital, he received a call from Seungho, saying he's landed in Seoul and fpund about the mess. Jay hated Seungho. He was jealous how the other was best in everything and did a better job than Jay. Even taming Jimin. So when Seungho proposed an plan, he was reluctant to agree to it. So Seungho told him to go over to Daniel's house, saying there were findings about Jimin's core.

This scared the three of them.

Jay didn't think twice before he took some men and went to the said location. When he found the reports, he was convinced by Seungho, who had planted spies before he left the country. They were hired to watch over people, Jimin had even the least interaction with. Seungho told them what he was planning to do and about Jennie. He told them to wait until Jimin's core was fully awakened or else they may never get hold of Jimin's full potential.

They were told to arrive only when Seungho would tell them to or if they can't reach him on the phone.

Right now they can't reach Seungho. It's tme to go. Sejeong stood up, asking, "What about Jihyun? What do we do with him." Jay tidied his coat and glanced over at an unconscious Jihyun, lying on the floor covered in bruises. Some of the bruises were really bad. Watching his condition, none of the three cared about nothing but getting Jimin back. Jay's mother said, "Let him bleed more. Just until we get Jimin."

"And the girl..." Jay said, looking over the body of a girl right beside Jihyun. At the question, Jihyun looked up at Jay, silently begging him to leave her alone. Just like Jay's mother ordered, he went and captured Jihyun's girlfriend, Minsu, right before she could escape. They didn't show any discrimination and treated her the same way they did with Jihyun. As to why she lied on the floor, almost lifeless. Jay didn't mind his son's silent plea and turned to his mom, asking, "Silence her after everything is done?"

His mom just shrugged. She actually doesn't care what happened to the two, instead she said, "Get Jimin back to me, without any harm. Don't lose him this time."

"I won't lose him, mom. I promise you." Jay said, then turned to the numerous men standing with them in the same room. He said, "I'll be taking some of Seungho's men with me."

"Pick the stronger ones. If Jimin can take out Seungho, he can take out you too." Sejeong said, to which Jay agreed and selected the stronger ones just like his wif said. When he and the men reached the entrance, about to leave, Sejeong asked, "I'm coming with you."

Jay sighed, irritated but still let her.

During the drive~

They've been on the road for a few minutes now. Seungho did tell them the place where Jimin was at, was faraway from them. Bored of the ride, Sejeong called, "Jay?"


"What are you going to do with Jimin after we get him?"

Jay frowned at the question and stared at Sejeong as if she asked the dumbest thing ever. She said, "Don't look at me like that. I have no connection with the medical science. All I know is Jimin's one of rare, but not what makes him rare."

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