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Yoongi pov
Outside Jimin's house
"Let's go, Yoongs!"

I heard Jungkook saying, as he started the bike and drove off. The others left as well. I sighed.

That Rosé might have figured out about me and Jimin. Why else did she tease me like that and went with Jungkook!? Or else she would've chosen Jimin or me! Jimin cuz he's cute and just her type but me, so that she could annoy me!

I shook my head, getting on my bike. "Are you coming or not?" I asked Jimin, without even looking at him. I put on my helmets and held out one to Jimin. But he didn't take it.

I looked up at him, to notice he was just standing there, staring at me. He blinked, when I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Um... Yoongi, can we go somewhere private? Like only just the two of us?" He asked, taking the helmet.

I sighed again, in annoyance. "Why?" I asked, although I clearly know what it would be.

"I want to talk to you about yesterday. I didn't give you an answer, yet."

Yep, what else! I groaned and got off, turning to him. "Sure. Let's talk here." I said.

"N-No, not here. Somewhere else...?"

Somewhere else? For what reason!? Why not say it here! Why delaying it!? I already know it's a no! "Ugh, fine. Get on!" I scoffed at him, starting the bike.

Jimin got on as I told him, "Hold tight!"

"Wha-" He couldn't complete his words cuz I drove off way too fast, that he grabbed on my shoulders, tightly. Damn, he's like a cat!

"Hey, it's too- fast!!" Jimin shrieked as we passed Jungkook and Rosé. "You said you wanted somewhere private. We have to go past them all to find a place private! Or else they'll find us." I replied, passing the other two pairs as well.
Jimin jumped off the bike, when I finally stopped at a place private enough fpr him. He fell on the ground with his palm, groaning, "Ugh! I want water!"

I chuckled at him, getting off as well. I said, "Too bad we don't have any clean water. Now, tell me what you wanted to talk about."

Jimin stopped panting and stayed in his position for a while. He slowly stood up, muttering a quiet, "Ok."

He turned to me, eyeing me with sad, puppy eyes. Why so dramatic? Just say no and end this shit, like come on!

I tsked, turning away because Jimin is taking way too long for this! Then he started, "I-I can't go out with you. I mean I don't want to date you, Yoongi. I don't really like you... like that."

I still didn't turn to him but nodded. "Hm."

"I-It's not that you're a bad person, but it's too fast. We b-barely know anything about each other-"

Jimin started babbling again so I cut him off, saying, "Jimin. Save your words, I understand." After I said I turned to him looking at his eyes. Only to realise he was tearing up!

"I'm s-sorry." He said, with trembling lips.

How can I forgot, this was all new for Jimin! He might've got scared about all this dating... and stuff. Fuck, it's only been six months barely even since he started studying with real people!

I thought of walking up to him, but decided not to. Maybe that might scare him. I sighed, shakily.

"Sorry for what? There's anything for you to be sorry about." I told him, but his tears weren't stopping at all. He looked down to wipe them, right then I turned my back to him. Cuz I can't bear to face him now!

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