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Author's pov~

"After Jungkook left, Chan was extremely apologetic for scaring me, even though I told him it was fine. He immediately took me to the teachers. They gave me the pills to calm down. Ever since that day, those two didn't like to see each other. I can understand why Chan doesn't want to, because it reminded him of what Jungkook told him, that I was afraid of Chan being an Alpha, that's why I kept it a secret. But Jungkook's part I realised it when I found out his sister was an Omega, but kept her second gender hidden from her own parents, because... Well, the Jeons do some really shitty stuff behind their noble faces. I once heard, they sold off one of their sons cuz he was an Omega. Jihyo noona told me he hated all that and how he hated himself for not doing anything about it."

Felix said as the other three listened to him keenly. They never thought Jungkook's family were this bad or how bad he was suffering because of them. Jin then remembered how one day Jungkook said how he wished he and his sister was born into another family. He thought Jungkook was just joking. Jin always had the idea Jungkook was living the lifr everyone dreams of, but it seemed it wasn't the case. He sighed out, "Damn. I'm happy that I was born to my family. Atleast they don't sell their kids off!"

Taehyung scowled at that, "Really? Don't say it like that, Jin! Just because someone else is having it worse than you doesn't mean that what your going through is any better. No offense, Jin but your family is trash too for not letting you study for being an Omega!" Taehyung's words made Jimin to smirk. He said, "Wow, you must've lived a happy life, Taehyung."

Taehyung threw a glare at Jimin but looked away and mumbled, "Lived a happy life but I've seen worse than any of you, guys. My parents could only afford to send me to the trashiest school ever! I can't blame them either. We're not rich enough to choose a school! Which one's available was the choice."

That made Jimin confused. He thought Taehyung was living a happy life from  the get-go. Jim responded his confusion saying, "Taehyung's school principal was a homophobe and a pedo too, so."

"Yeah, I get it." Jimin nodded to that. Nothing further was needed to be said as he understood what Taehyung must've gone through. He smiled at how well he grew up even with those circumstances. Suddenly Taehyung slammed his fist on the table, startling other! "Like I let anyone play with me! Everytime that creep did something, I'd beat the shit out of him!" He grumbled, to which Jin rolled his eyes with sigh. "I'm surprised they let you study there. If you were at my school, you'd be terminated in a flash and get a bad record sent to other schools as well!" He said. He turned to Felix with a frown and asked, "By the way, how are you so close to Jihyo noona and know that she is an Omega? Jungkook said only a few including us, knew about that."

Felix glanced Jimin at that and the both smirked at each other, which didn't go unnoticed by the other two. Felix said, "That's because Jihyo is dating Daniel hyung, who is Chan's cousin brother."

"Woah, really!? Wha- Jungkook never told us about that. And Jimin you knew?" Jin exclaimed at Felix, the last part at Jimin as if accusing him to which he raised both his arms in surrender, saying, "Oh, don't worry, I only got to know about it this morning."

"Just think about the awkwardness when the couple used to hang out while Jungkook and Bangchan are trying their best not to jump at each other!" Taehyung said, imagining Bangchan and Jungkook together, sulking. They all laughed together at that. The laughs were interrupted when they heard rustling sounds, along with groaning sounds. Their attention turned to the room where Jungkook was lying. Jin perked up and said, "Is that Jungkook? He must be awake now."

The groans died down, he started calling out names. Well, only one name. "Jimin... Jimin? Jimin!? Where- UGH!" A thud was heard. They assumed he must have fallen over. Felix winced at the pain as how loud it was while Jin and Taehyung chuckled at Jungkook's clumsiness. Taehyung nudged Jimin, saying, "He must really care for you, eh?"

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