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Author's pov

Yoongi stared at his phone, reading the same messages Jihyun sent him. He read the whole chat again and again, to see if it was a trap in any manner.

But he couldn't find any.

It looked genuine.

Jihyun really was trying to help...? Don't get him wrong, he wants to help Jimin get away from his parents as soon as possible, but what kept him from doing as he was told, was how Jihyun was  one of reasons Jimin fell of the bridge.

One of the reasons, that made Jimin to think he wasn't worthy of living...

If he sent this to Jungkook, then surely he would go find Jihyun and knock his guts out. Hell, even Yoongi would do the same! But that's not what he should do. He groaned as he took the screenshot of the messages. He didn't think twice before he send the screenshots to Jihyo. He got her number when he asked for it, saying he might have something to tell her only as now. He also send the following message:

Noona, it's Jimin's brother. I don't trust this boy just as the parents but do whatever you can with this. Just wanna stay cautious.
Yoongi sighed out nervously, as he hit the send button. After making sure Jihyo received the message he shoved his phone into his pocket, looking up at the doorbell ahead. He pressed it and waited for a few seconds until he heard the shuffling sounds. The door swung open revealing a messy haired Jennie.
By the looks of it, Jennie was shocked to see Yoongi in front of her as she was not expecting him to show up at all... Yoongi was shocked too, not because of her messy hair but she looked messed up all over! Tear streamed eyes, bruises on her arms and Yoongi knew damn well those were caused from that fucker, Tedros!
Park's house
Jihyun pov

"Faster, now. Those boys might take him away! We can't be late!"

I heard mom yelling for dad as the car outside waited for them. It's a cop car, as the people in it dressed up as cops. Are they going to that place now? The place where they found hyung? It seems like they are! I checked the clock. It's been an hour since I told that AgustD about mom and dad coming for them, they should've taken him away by now.    
But... what if they didn't get enough time? They might get caught! I should- go with mom, dad and the officers... incase Jimin hyung is still there, I can create a distraction so that he can somehow escape.   
"I'm done, so stop your whining now!" I flinched when dad screamed, coming out of his room. I have to go with them! I quickly ran up infront of him, making him stop.    
"Can I tag along?" I asked. Dad looked confused at me, about to deny me but I didn't let him. "The thing is... I wanna know what ruckus Jimin did this time that even got the cops involved.... Wanna see that flustered look on his face, when he realises his plan didn't work. I won't cause any trouble, I promise!" I told him, trying the best to sound convincing. Dad frowned at me. Did it not work? It looked like it didn't...?
Dad was about to deny, but mom jumped in. "Ok, you can. Don't mind your clothes, we're getting late. Get in the car." She said. I smiled internally and rushed out to the car. I sat on the front seat. Mom and Dad glanced at each other before dad tore his eyes off him angrily. They got in the car as well and the officers drove us out.

We've been driving for a while now and no one has uttered a word the whole time. I didn't see any houses on the way too. It's like we're going through a desert.
Dad was doing somthing on his phone and mom was just sitting quietly, looking outside. I got no clue to where they were taking us. I wanted to ask about it but I might sound too curious. I sighed, moving my hand to my pockets for taking my phone out, that's when I realised, I left my phone back in my room!

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