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Namjoon & Jin

Namjoon pov

"Jin, don't drive so fast! YOU'RE OVER 60!!"

I screamed for my dear life, sitting behind Jin because someone here can't drive like a normal human and won't listen to me! Ugh, I shouldn't have let him drive my bike!

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU~" Jin yelled, loudly, speeding up even more! This is bad!

I pat his shoulders, saying, "Jin, for real... Stop... I'm dizzy..."

It's a lie, I'm not actually dizzy, but I'm sure Jin will stop if I act like I am. I slumped down on Jin, trying to convince him of my dizziness.

"What!? For real? Ok, I'm sorry, I'll stop." Jin said, panicking. Ha, it's working! He stopped the bike as I got off, along with him. Jin held my face, asking, "Hey, are you ok?"

I didn't look up but sneakily toom the keys.

"UGH! Finally I'm free! I'm never letting you drive again!" I yelped as I ran away from Jin, laughing at his pissed off face.

"What the hell, Joon! That's cheating!"

"Ain't no way we're doing this again!"

"It was a fun ride!"

"No! It was a fun ride only for you. I was dying right behind you!"

"You're no fun!"

Jin pouted, folding his hands. I sighed, approaching him. This was not right, he shouldn't be mad about something like this.

I held his shoulders, saying, "Jin, I like you. But you shouldn't drive like that. It's dangerous even when there's no traffic."

"Whatever, Mr. Goody Shoes."

I raised my eyebrows when Jin gave me the attitude, warning him that I'm being serious. He looked down, dropping his sass. "Fine. I won't drive like again. I'm sorry." He apologized.

Now that's more like it! I nodded at him, handing him the keys, but Jin moved my hand back. He saud, smiling, "You can drive. I'm tired."

I frowned at that. That's when I noticed Jin looks pretty tired. Guess, the adrenaline rush made him forget about his dark circles from last night's very little sleep. In that case  I should be driver, to let him rest.

But still I leaned towards him, teasing, "Is that your way of revenge, sweetheart?"

"No, it's way of punishing you with my hugs."

I chuckled at that, getting on the bike. "Sounds tempting~ Hop on!"

I saw his blushing smile from the mirror, as he sat behind me. He's so cute and looks like my cutie has a thing for the strict version of me.

"When's my punishment starting?" I asked him, putting on my helmet. Jin pulled my waist, whispering, "When you give me a kiss~"

I smirked, turning to him. Jin lifted my helmet a little bit as I gave him a sweet peck on his lips. I turned back as I started the bike, feeling all giddy. Jin smiled, hugging me tight.
"So, how's your football practice going on?" Jin asked, resting his head on my shoulders.

"The best! Only that I've got a sprained ankle now. Kinda hurts-"

"Hey! Don't you dare get hurt, Mr. Kim Namjoon! You gotta win the championship and become the country's biggest football player!"

Jin cut me off, squeezing my side belly, making me wince. I shook my head, laughing at that. Jin still thinks winning the championship is an easy thing! I wish it was that easy.

Me In Your EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora