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Jihyo's house~
Jin and Namjoon were preparing the table for having lunch. When they realised no one has eaten anything for the noon, the two decided to make a meal for them. Even though Namjoon did cut himself a few times!

"I didn't know your sister would rush here right after we told her about Jimin!" Taehyung told Jungkook, handing him the plates. Jungkook chuckled, saying, "Yeah. She's protective of him. Maybe a bit too much? Cuz she never looked so worried for me!"

"Who's gonna worry about you, coconut head? You just beat up people!" Jin cut in, walking into the kitchen. Namjoon and Taehyung chuckled at that, while Jungkook scoffed at him. "I don't do that anymore! Just... punch them when they're nasty." Jungkook said, with a tiny pout.

"You still get into fights, Jungkook!?"

The four of them got startled when a high pitch was heard, coming from the stairs. It was Jihyo and she looked mad! Jungkook shut his eyes, regretting talking about his fights already. He used to be a rebel just like what Jin said, but he tried toning it down when guys sister got to know about it. These past months Jihyo was in the thought that Jungkook completely stopped his rebellious phase and became a good boy as he his himself well. Now the facade is gone! Jihyo ran down the stairs to get hold of Jungkook but he got away from her, hiding behind Namjoon.

"Jungkook, get back here! You said you'd stop doing that last year!"

"Noona, I didn't actually fight. Only punched him on the face! He said things I didn't like!"

"Who is this 'him'? And why would you punch him for that!?"

"Then what was I supposed to do? Kiss him in the face and hug him!?"

"Either way, you can't do that!"

Jihyo said, trying to get a hold of her brother. While Namjoon was stuck between the two. Daniel came down as well, hearing the commotion thinking someone's arguing. Only to end up laughing with Jin and Taehyung at the other three. Namjoon lost his patience and pushed past away from them, letting Jihyo to grab Jungkook by his ear!


Jungkook yelped in pain as Jihyo twisted his ear more, gaining more laughs at his misery. The moment was interrupted when the doorbell rang! Everyone stopped as they stared at the door, nervously. Only one thought in their mind whether Jimin's parents were back again or not...

Taehyung sighed and muttered, "I'll go."

The rest of them saw him walk upto the door, grabbing the door knob. Taehyung paused a second before sighing and opened the door to see... Jihyun standing in front of him!

Taehyung frowned because he didn't realise who that was. It took him a moment before he did. His face turned red, recalling everything he heard and saw what Jimin's family did to him. All the rage took the best out of him as he punched Jihyun on his face!

"Taehyung, stop!" Daniel yelled, running towards him blocking him away from Jihyun, while a girl stood in front of Jihyun to protect him as well. Taehyung raged in his hold, arguing, "Don't stop me, hyung! I'll beat the shit out of him for what he did to Jimin! Let me go!"

"Taehyung! Stop being dramatic!"

Jungkook stepped in and said. Making Taehyung frown because he couldn't believe what Jungkook just said. He turned to Jungkook this time, saying, "I'm being dramatic? Jungkook, didn't you say you'd kill him if you ever meet him again! He shou-"

"I KNOW, TAE! I WANNA BEAT HIM UP JUST AS MUCH AS YOU DO BUT- Ha.... We got legal support against them, they can't do anything to Jimin even if they want to. So don't mess it up on our side!"

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