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Jihyun's pov~

After we have left the house where Jimin hyung was at, I was fidgeting all over. I mean I'm glad my parents couldn't take hyung away with us because of the child abuse complaint... Exactly. That complaint. The man who told his name was Daniel, I did hear him say hyung agreed to submit a complaint regarding his abuse.

But, what abuse?

All I have seen mom and dad do anything him was yelling and yesterday's slap...?

That was the first time I've ever seen dad raising a hand on him! Where did those bruises come from that Daniel talked about?

To add it all up, I couldn't find who AgustD was... This is disappointing.

He's the only one Jimin hyung had the most chats with but I still don't know their identity. I sighed as the car took a turn to enter the city roads. I want to get out.

Staying near my parents is draining me!

"Dad, can I get off here?" I mindlessly said, gazing out the window, expecting no good reply. But I heard Dad saying, "Stop the car." In his usual annoyed tone.

I frowned at that, as the car stopped right infront of flower shop. Dad wouldn't allow me to get off in the middle of the streets anytime before, why now? He turned to me with a look asking, "Aren't you getting off?"

I didn't reply him and opened the door to get off. I closed the door and just stared at him, with my hands in my pockets. Dad tsked away, only saying, "Go." Before the car left.

I could see it, he was annoyed. Because this might be the first time someone's made me feel like he's lost. Mom was nothing better. She wasn't talking or even looking at any of us the whole ride, but still had the look of anger. I tsked at the situation we have got.

What even is going on between mom and dad with Jimin hyung?

Is there something I don't know about?

I shook my head, walking inside the flower shop. It looked like a comfy place, so might as well stay here for a while. The moment I stepped in, I saw a bunch of people scurrying around with small baskets of flowers in their hands. What's the rush? It's only afternoon, no one's gonna buy flowers in this hot hour!

"Hurry up! Fill up these empty spaces before more customers bust in!"

I heard one of them, maybe their superior saying. I went in to take a closer look to where they were arranging the flowers and... Oh. A whole room with empty shelved and rackets?

Where did the flowers go? Robbed?

When did flowers become so precious to by? Up closer I could hear the staffs speaking more clearly.

"Ugh, this is so unfair! My shift's already done, it's overtime for me!"

"I'll treat you for your overtime, just help us with this, Kevin."

"I mean come on now, Felix! Why do they need so many plumeria flowers in the middle of the day? It's good for business but the whole stock? That's dangerous even for a Beta like me!"

What? Plumeria flowers? Were all the flowers from Jimin hyung's room bought from here? No matter how I look at it that's the only conclusion I get!

"Well, it's request from a good friend, Luke. Couldn't say no to that. Besides, he said it was an emergency situation." One of them said. A friend, he said? A friend of that Daniel guy?

Maybe that's why he got those flowers in a bunch, judging from that excessive smell. Good for hyung that a flower shop was nearby. I'll make sure to give the shop a thank you present soon, because mom and dad left sooner mainly due to that strong smell.

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