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Jimin pov

I stared at the mirror, in awe with my new look. When they asked for a dye, I just chose silver in random. I didn't know this color would actually suit me!


I flinched at the sudden voice. Turns out it was just Jungkook standing in front of my room. He looked flustered, maybe because I caught him staring at me.

"Ah! I wasn't here for long, I just woke up and saw you and- Woah, Jimin! You look stunning in this hair! I couldn't get a good look cuz you left to sleep early." Jungkook said. His words flustering me as each passing time, because he was still staring at me with his round eyes!

Oh, his hair! I didn't get to see it last night, but now that I've seen it he looks even more handsome! It's red, but he kept his roots black. "Thank you. You look good too." I told him. Jungkook smiled shyly. "You think? Thanks, Jimin!" He said. I nodded at him, smiling back. Then we just stood there in silence... until it was broken.


I flinched at the voice coming from downstairs. Jungkook was surprised as well. I went out of my room to see who the hell was singing so loud at this hour!? It's only 6! He's gonna wake up the whole town!

"Oh oh ooh whoa- Hey! Oh oh ooh whoa whoa! Put this song on, Tae!" It was Jin, jumping as his purple hair bounced continuously. I should say I'm quite surprised at his choice, it's a perfect match! Taehyung looks good in blonde too. He looks like an American!

"Hey! Don't you guys have any classes? Turn it off, Tae!" I heard Jihyo noona saying, as she flaunted her red hair. Whoa, she got an upgrade too!

"You too, Jungkook! Stop staring at Jimin and get ready!" I frowned when noona said that, turning aside to see that in fact, Jungkook was staring at me! Why is he still-!? Jungkook blinked at me. He whipped his head at her, glaring. What's more I noticed his ears turned red! I chuckled at that. Surprisingly, Jungkook has this shy side too.

After an hour or so, everyone got ready and left. Food was already prepared but none of them ate, saying they'll have on their way, when in reality they were actually getting late. Daniel hyung arrived, right after they left so noona will be leaving as well. So it's just me having breakfast, with Daniel hyung reading something beside me.

"Ustekiko- ah, no, no!" I frowned when hyung read out some- gibberish? Is this a foreign language?

"Usteniko- Uzbekistan- why are these medicine names so difficult to pronounce!"

Oh, he's reading out the pill's name! Noona rushed to him after she's done getting ready. When hyung saw her, his jaw dropped. Oh I forgot, we didn't let hyung know about her new hair! "Let me see." She took the pill and read out, "It's Ustekinumab. Wait- Why are you getting this pill! It's for ulcers, it's written right here- Oh my God! Give me that or else you'll feed that to Jimin. It's for someone else!"

"That's fine, but when did you change your hair?" He asked, still in awe. Noona smiled at him as she did a twirl showing off her hair more. "Last night! How is it? Do I look pretty?"

"Pretty? Baby, you look beautiful!"

"Aw, thank you!" She said and pecked him. She turned to me, saying, "Jimin, please take care of this guy. He's stupid sometimes, ok?"


I snorted at hyung's shocked face, nodding at noona.

"I'll be going now, bye. Jiminie! Bye, Dan!"

"See you after work!" Hyung said, as she left. He then turned to me, asking, "You don't actually think I'm stupid, right?"

"Never! Except for the times when you actually are stupid..."

"Ah, you two are a team now! The 'Daniel- bullying' team." Hyung whined in a childish way, that made me laugh at his cringe. "Hahaha!"


After breakfast I decided to do some note work I got from Taehyung. I can't fall behind studies, just because I'm absent. Daniel hyung was sitting in front of me. Just like noona, hyung never leaves my side even when I'm all healed! Right then, I remembered something. "Hyung, can I ask you something?"

"I thought you called me stupid, so no!" Daniel hyung said. Ah, he's still pressed on that? "Hyung~ I'm sorry!"

"I'm just joking, haha! Ask me anything you want, kid."

"It's about Jungkook and... Jihyo noona." I noticed how hyung's face changed when I mentioned noona's name. I'm not crossing the lines, am I?

"What about them?"

"Why is he so aggressive with others, but completely different when he's around noona?"

"Well. This is a family matter, but since you're part of the family now, along with the other five, let's not keep you in the dark alone." Hyung said. Something about when he said I'm part of their family, made me feel so warm inside. What could've happened to her then?

And so Daniel hyung started.

"The Jeon family is kinda like your family, Jimin. They don't accept an Omega child. They give those kids away to 'orphanages' in secret. Jihyo on her first test, she was revealed to be an alpha. Same with the second one. Everyone was happy with the result and prepared a huge celebration. Jungkook always took her as his role model Alpha. I met her around that time. We started dating in secret even knowing she was an Alpha. I mean, my parents were both Omega so they weren't sure if I would grey along with other sub genders. Besides, her parents would kill me and Jihyo, if they find out about my Omega parents.

"Years later, she went to the states for higher studies. She feel ill often there. We thought it was cuz of the climate changes but just to be sure, I told her to take a dna test. Turns out she was an Omega, a late boomer that's all. We knew if words gets out, Jihyo would most probably lose her life. Hmph, trash people! So I moved her to my parents house in states. They took care of her for the whole time there. One day, Jungkook came to visit her. You guessed it, we got caught. In her most vulnerable state, during her heat. I thought Jungkook would react like his parents. Yell at her, call her names, whatever!

"But he stood they're scared shitless. He loved Jihyo very much, always looked upto her! So seeing Jihyo in that situation confused him. I'd say he was shocked too. Later we told him everything. He was surprised on knowing the truth, that that's when I realised he had no idea about Omegas or what goes around with them. His sister getting treated like that, the imagination just boiled him inside. He started hating his parents and became overprotective of Jihyo. Which I wouldn't lie does seem aggressive sometimes! I mean, when he saw the bite mark on my neck the first time, his eyes went red almost going feral! In the end Jihyo had to use her pheromones to calm him down!"

Hyung paused with a laugh, but I could feel there was no humor in it. He's sad yet endeared at the memories.

"But he wasn't always like that, Jimin. Jungkook was just a sweet, little boy who only knew how to give and take love."

I smiled at that. Jungkook being a lovely little boy, he must have been cute when he was little. Not that he isn't any less cute now! "My turn!" I gasped when Daniel hyung suddenly said in a loud voice. "Why ask about Jungkook suddenly?"

"Just... curious?" I told him. He just smiled at me and pat my head. "Mm. Ok!"

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