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Author's pov
05:28 am
"Ugh! I decided to come to Seoul to meet him myself but, now that I'm here I'm nervous!" Hoseok muttered as his station was approaching. The gates opened and he took off from the train to Seoul station. He looked around at the familiar and distant location. This was where Taehyung would welcome him, during the time they were still dating. He ran and jump on him with his bear hug! Hoseok sighed, mad at himself for the way things turned out for the two.

His family is conservative and distastes Betas with a passion. Him dating a wild and crazy one got them on the edge, making them openly ridiculing Taehyung. To put in simple words, they hated Taehyung. Hoseok didn't dare stand up for his boyfriend because he only believed in everything his mom said, eventually leading the boyfriends since childhood to break up.

Hoseok tsked at himself remembering those times he directly and indirectly hurt Taehyung.

He loved Taehyung, but Taehyung loved him more than anyone could! Only to get his heartbroken in the end. After he was gone, was actually when Hoseok realised how much he yearned for the other. He wanted to meet him, apologise to him properly in hopes to get back together, if... Taehyung would agree.

Hoseok carried his bag and checked his phone. "I know where he studies, I know where he lives... I could just call Taehyung and tell him, 'Hey, long time no see!'...." He said but paused and slumped down. The people around looked at him in concern, he looked like a miserable guy who just got dumped. Which he is how he really feel right now.

He whined, "Ahhh, how can I just say that after I said all that to him! We didn't part ways on good terms, I have to make it right!"

A loud thunder was heard. It appeared like it was about to rain. Hoseok stood up, dusting off his knees. He mumbled, "Should I call him now? What if he tries to run away when he knows I'm here. Let's just give him a surprise then! He's got classes today, so I'll go to his college."

With this thought Hoseok took out an umbrella. He went to search for a taxi. Luckily there was one in this early hour. He went and asked the driver, "Excuse me, can you get me to this address?" showing him the place where Taehyung's college is at.

The driver squinted his and responded only with nod and gestures to get in. "Thank you!" Hoseok said got in and they left from the station.

The rain quickly got heavier and foggy. Traffic as well, so the driver turned to a shortcut. This road had almost no other vehicle. Hoseok looked outside through the window, not that he was scared of change in route. In fact, Taehyung and him would often go these paths. It was their frequent date route. A corner of Hoseok's lips lifted, reminiscing those memories.

Right then his eyes caught on something on the road. "Huh? What's that?" He said. He tried to focus on what it was, but couldn't know what it was. He said to the driver, "Ahjussi, can you stop here?"

"Eh? Didn't ye wanna go to that college?"

"I-I saw something, just stop the cab for a minute!"

"Whatever ye say!" As soon as the vehicle stopped, Hosoek got off with his umbrella to check on what he saw. He felt shivers upon his spine as he approached the thing. A man. "I knew it... It is a person!" Hoseok whispered.

He turned back and called out, "Ahjussi! Can you come help me here!"

"HUH? Why do I have to!" He could hear the annoyance from the driver. Surely he won't help easily so he said, "I'll pay you more, just get here!" He then turned his attention to the man and asked, "Excuse me? Hello, can you here me?" Hoseok knelt down to have a closer look but his eyes widened on seeing the stream of blood mixed with the rain. "Blood..? Hey, are you ok!? What happened to you?"

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