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Yoongi & Rosé
(a tiny bit of Jennie)

Forest road~
Yoongi pov

"Damn, this place is so spooky~" Jennie said, as we stopped at a quiet place.

We separated from Jimin and Jungkook, for giving them the space for driving lessons. It could be dangerous if we were near them, so we let them be.

But I'm salty about Jungkook being the one teaching Jiminie and not me! I wish I could teach him, but he'll freak out, if I get close to him this soon.

As what he told me, or told AgustD, he hated the most when strangers become friends too fast. So, let's take it slow and steady!

I got off from my bike after Rosé was off. I looked around the place and said, "Yeah, gives me the chills-"

"No, it's freaking awesome! I love it here!" Jennie chirped, jumping up and down, cutting me off. Not gonna lie, her excited yell, kinda scared me! She's just as loud as before.

"Meh. Just the same old for me." Rosé tsked, stuffing her hands into her jacket pockets.

Oh, right, I remember her mentioning about how she went to places near Ahopsan forest, for some family thing. I hummed at her.

"Right. Chae's grandparents are living by the countryside, she's visits them every holidays." I said.

"Yeah, this is like her home! Rosé, why don't you do your wap dance here?"

I chuckled on hearing Jennie's challenge. There's no way she's gonna do that in the middle of the road!

"Sure, why not!" Not giving me any chance to speak at all, Rosé said, preparing herself for the dance!?

"What the- your doing it for real!?" I yelled, looking around to check if anyone's watching us, but she paid no attention to me and got down on the road!

I frowned in utter disbelief, turning to Jennie, who's already cheering her up, with the camera. "Ay~ Wapsé in the house!"

Wow, she's even recording her? These dorks! I sighed, but with a few laughs on between.

I cringed as she dances, not because it was actually cringey, but I don't think it's appropriate for Rosé's age for doing something like wap in public. She's still a minor.

Right then, Jimin and Jungkook passed by, but only Jungkook saw Rosé dancing. He laughed out loud, scaring Jimin. Jimin looked so concentration on his bike that he didn't notice anything or what Jungkook was laughing at!


"By the way, where's Namjoon and Jin?" I asked them, after they were finally done.

Jennie shut her camera and started dialing Namjoon's number.

There was a ring but no one picked up. Guess they kept it on silent mode. Jennie shrugged, saying, "Probably sweet-talking with Jin somewhere far."

"Ha~ Them two ending together is probably the most unexpected yet the most obvious thing ever!" Rosé commented, panting because of her dance. She sat down right on the roadside. Thank goodness, it's a clean dry road! This kid is so weird!

This was now basically turning into a date.

Namjoon and Jin, Jimin and Jungkook, us three being singles just gotta suffer because of them! I sighed out, "I know, right!"

"Where's Jimin and Jungkook, though?" Rosé asked, dusting off her sleeves, getting up.

"They went ahead!"

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