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Hoseok & Lisa

Author's pov
"Hoseok, you're gonna die of muscle pain. Take a rest, buddy." Hoseok's brother said, exhausted by watching the other's fierce moves.

He would've applauded him if it weren't for how dark the night has turned and Hoseok was dancing for hours now, to the point of concern.

Hoseok stopped his moves and removed his airpods, turning to the elder. "I'm alright, hyung. You can leave, I'll close up. I don't think there'll be anyone coming in this late." He said.

Hoseok's brother shook his head in defeat. He should've known better, that no one could everett stop Hoseok from dancing, especially during times when he was like now.

He took his bag and left, saying, "Alright! Don't forget to turn off the aircon."

Hoseok turned off the airpods and connected his phone to the speaker. He won't be disturbing anyone now that he's alone now!

"Um, is this still open?"

Hoseok stopped, hearing a girl's voice. He turned around to see a tall, skinny girl, wearing shirt and pants, with a saddle bag.

He replied, "Sure, but isn't it too late for you?"

"Oh, it's alright for me! As long as I'm not bothering you..?"

"Not at all!" Hoseok went and room his phone, asking, "What song?"

"Own it by Drake."

"Oh, mine too. Guess, we don't need another speaker."

Lisa, the girl, gave him a short smile, humming. She removed her bag, putting it on the nearby desk. The music started as they both start moving to the center of the room.

Hoseok began first, Lisa following right behind. They both have different dancing styles but the same energy.

Hoseok took a few glances at Lisa, when she wasn't looking. He was amazed by her moves. He never saw anyone dance like that!

But Lisa was no different from him, staring subtly at Hoseok. She never thought any human could move the way he did! The music stopped after it was done and they both stopped dancing, panting heavily.

Lisa slumped down right on the floor as Hoseok went to take towels for the two.

"Hey, those are some great moves. Do you learn dancing?" Lisa looked up, when Hoseok asked her, offering her a towel. Lisa said a quick 'thank you', taking the towel.

"Actually, yes."

"Me too! What academy do you study dancing or are you self taught?"

"Self taught but I'm thinking of studying it professionally."

"Good. You've got a talent you can't waste."

Lisa frowned at that. This was the first time anyone who is not her family ever praised her about her dancing! She got up, along with Hoseok and went to where she kept her bag. She replied, "I feel flattered, thanks!"

"So, have you decided where you'll be studying?"

"Um, not yet. But I'll be staying here in Bucheon for a while. If I find any good academy to learn, I'll join it."

"How about Jb Academy'? I go there as well!"

"Uh, but isn't that a big shot academy? I heard it's very difficult to get an admission there, that's why left that one first of all! And besides I don't if they'll take new students mid term."

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