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When Jin and Taehyung ran out of the house with the Alpha boys to my house, having nowhere else to go, Chan and I were working at the shop. We just got back for having our breakfast when we saw the ruckus. Seeing their condition, I couldn't dare question them and let them in to hide and rest.

All they told us was someone came over to take Jimin away, when they didn't let it happen they hurt him, making Jimin to go feral. It was common for Alphas and Omegas to lose control of their wolves, going into feral state. During then they possess the maximum of their capacities and powers but the only emotion they would have was anger. So I thought Jimin went through something similar but definitely something more. Jin and Taehyung seemed like they wanted to tell me more, but just kept quiet.

The chaos outside was too loud that Jungkook ran out to check on what was going on even when he was bloodied. Chan and I had to go out to stop him from going in, after making sure the others remained inside my house. I felt chills run down my spine when I saw Jimin carrying Jennie. Her head... Was she hit? The image of Jennie's bleeding head along with a bruised up Jimin was so horrifying, I couldn't even move a muscle at the sight.

Hoseok and Namjoon were still unconscious when Jungkook came in carrying both Jimin and Jennie. No one had the courage of asking anything. Chan took the courage to carry Jennie and take her in the bedroom while Jungkook took Jimin to another and placed him on bed there and slept by the edge. He actually fainted due to lose of immense blood. I wrapped Jennie's head with anything that I could to help stop her lose anymore more blood but her scent told me she was losing her life as well. Not able to handle the nauseating stench I took some herbal flowers and placed them inside the room.

It was right then Yoongi had arrived.

He couldn't believe his eyes or what we or they told him and stood before Jennie, motionless.

Soon Jihyo noona arrived when saw Jin calling for her by the window. The moment she stepped in she looked like she was overwhelmed with the intense pressure of pheromones and of what had happened. The atmosphere was really stinking of blood and distress. Seeing Jimin, Jihyo told us something that Daniel said. It was difficult to believe but looking at the circumstances the golden core seemed to be the only logical conclusion. Jimin looked different than before and he got a different aura around him.

Jin told her of what had happened along with Yoongi. Jihyo noona couldn't believe all that. Only then Yoongi got the whole picture of the situation. We all understood with a heavy heart that Jennie brought this upon herself. It was too much to take in. Yoongi took noona to the room where Jennie was at. She was so shocked at her condition. Jihyo composed herself, calling someone named Dongeun in. She said Jennie needed absolute medical care in a hospital or else there won't be any hope. She cleaned her up with the things she brought, while Yoongi went to get Dongeun. We were cautious to let him, a complete stranger, inside the house. Only after Jihyo noona assured he posed no threat he was let in. He was shocked at the situation. Noona said he was the same person who helped Daniel hyung. First it was hyung now Jennie, all of this must have scared him. Dongeun-ssi looked like he was unsure of helping her. He gave in either way realising he was already too deep in our shit. Noona covered Jennie's head enough to stop her bleeding until they got to the cab.

Yoongi also asked her to take Hoseok and Namjoon along as they were unconscious for too long now, which she agreed. We also wanted her to take Jimin but she thought he might attract too much attention. After knowing about what had happened, there was no saying his Golden core were to remain stable or he could control it again. Jihyo noona instructed Jin and Taehyung on staying behind to treat their wounds properly with the medicines she brought before leaving.
Present time~

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