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Felix's cottage~

When the door opened and Taehyung saw an unfamiliar person, he made sure the stranger won't get to peek into the room. He stepped out and asked, "Uh, how can I help you?"

Hearing that those inside understood it wasn't Felix and became cautious. From the crack of the windows they could see a middle aged man in black shades, surrounded by more of such men, a bit more rugged.

"Hello, dear~" The man in the shades chimed in an annoying voice. But what annoyed the most was how he leaned forwards Taehyung and pushed the door wide. He asked, "I'm here for my lovely nephew. Where is he?"

At that question Jungkook sensed a change in Jimin's scent. He was scared and trembling in his hold. Jungkook turned back to notice how Jimin's face couldn't hide the fear either. Jungkook joined the pieces together and realised... it must be the same uncle they talked about. Park Seungho! He was also the one who was in touch with Jennie!? This is the worst outcome ever...! Jungkook stood in front of Jimin so as Park Seungho won't know he was there, but it was too late.

Seungho peeked in his head and found Jimin. He blinked his eyes wide and said, "Ah, there you are! My little ducky~"

That nickname.... It triggered Jimin. His scent became more burnt. He grabbed Jungkook's clothes, feeling more vulnerable. Jungkook frowned at effect that uncle had on Jimin. It pained him more because he knows the full story now. Jungkook growled at Seungho, "Why are you here?"

"Why not?" Seungho said, glaring at Jungkook.

The expression he had for Jimin took a 180 degree turn when his attention went to Jungkook and the rest. He was irritated at Jungkook. For Seungho, he was only a boy who he just met and was now keeping him from looking at Jimin. He turned sideways and chimed again, "Didn't you miss me, Jimin~"

Jimin avoided his eyes again. Seungho chuckled menacingly, quite liking Jimin's reaction. He stopped when he noticed Jennie sitting on the chair surrounded by the others as if they were investigating her. He figured, she got found out. Seungho pushed past Taehyung and stepped inside the cottage against his protests. The men behind him did the same, taking up most of the front area. Taehyung couldn't do anything, under their intimidating look. Something about them said, any wrong move you'll end up in a bad position.

Jennie who was still in a daze, turned to see who it was. She quickly got off her chair once she noticed his presence. Seungho turned to her and said, "Jennie darling, you did such poor job! Didn't I tell you to call us when there is lesser people?"

Jennie did not reply anything and started walking towards him. If she were the Jennie an hour ago or so, she would've been trembling under Seungho's gaze. She would be begging in front of him after the dealing he made regarding Tedros. But not anymore! Seungho did not like that. Her face held no other emotions expect for anger. "Mr. Park, I may have agreed to do this set up, but I'm afraid I can't continue with your plans." She told him, who only raised his eyebrow at her in amuse. Jennie turned around to Jimin. She gave him a shaky smile, saying, "I'm sorry, Jimin. I shouldn't have betrayed you like this. You're a good friend to me, even if I'm not anymore your friend."

Maybe because of her words or because Jungkook was releasing his calming pheromones, which he barely noticed, Jimin suddenly eased up. But not enough to break him off from his fearful trance. Jennie's words didn't quite move the hearts of Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung or Hoseok. Jungkook was too busy calming Jimin down while keeping his cool in front of Seungho. He was the only one who noticed a really nasty scar under Seungho's side bangs. It was clear, he must be someone on the lines of a crook!

"Alright, this is getting boring! I'll just take my Jimin with me and leave peacefully." Seungho sighed out.

He gestured his hitmen to get Jimin, but before they could Jungkook blocked them along with Jennie! Surprising the other five! She glared at them. "I won't let you take him away!" She grumbled. Her eyes turned to feral blue. Her Omega was about to take over to dominate over Seungho's men so they stopped midway. Even an Omega can dominate other ranks if their pheromones are of strong roots. They realised it noticing her blue eyes gleam. Gleaming eyes represented dominance. Jennie was the only Omega among them with such eyes. Watching her effect on the those men, Namjoon and Jin glanced at each other. 'Maybe we can get rid if this man', they thought and took a step forward between Jungkook and Jennie with the same intention of protecting Jimin.

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