C H A P T E R 22

63 5 0

After a couple of months.

After spending time with Mattheo, you can feel the tension between you two. Your dates are always filled with conversation and laughter.

But one day, a group of girls in the corridor ask you the same question “Are you two dating?” Which causes a sudden blush to rush to your cheeks. You quickly say yes with a shy smile, and watch as Mattheo nods, his face filled with contentment..

The news spreads like wild fire, which has the other boys in the infamous group growing more and more jealous.

Enzo grows especially angry, as he now feels the need to compete with Mattheo for your affection, and Regulus can’t help but feel protective over you because he finds himself liking you.

Mattheo continues to take you on dates that become more romantic and intimate, and you always find yourself feeling more and more in love with him.

But the dates become far and few as all the boys in the infamous group seem to hate you more and more as they resent you for “stealing” their best friend.

The final straw is when the boys start to stalk you and wait at your doorstep, trying to intimidate you and get you to dump Mattheo.

You decide you need to talk with Mattheo about your issues with the group because everything changed with them, as you’re sure that the rest of them have already done the same.

As your talking with Mattheo and the topic of all the boys comes up, you watch his expression turn dark as he says “Yeah they’ve spoken to me.” Which causes a lump to form in you’re throat, as you’re unsure if he’d pick you or his best friends…

You were so confused about their react to your relationship like everything changed, all of them specially Enzo hate you.

Mattheo takes a deep breath and says, “You’re more important to me than any of them.” And before you know it he wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead.
The boys that have been causing you so much trouble, are now watching you from afar, and seem to be at a loss for words, especially Enzo, who can’t help but feel defeated by the sight of you two.

You now spend all of your time being by Mattheo’s side, as he’s become the most important and significant person in your life.

But that still hasn’t stopped the boys from trying to split you up, as whenever Mattheo is absent, the boys find other ways to torment you.

They start to spread rumours, call you all sort of nasty names, and just make you feel as miserable as possible.

The constant pestering and bullying of the infamous group, start to take a toll on you’re mental health, yet the only thing keeping your head above water, is Mattheo.

As if he can feel you’re pain, he appears beside you, holding your hand, as he looks back at the boys who are still tormenting you, and giving them a piercing stare.

You wasn't in a good health thoes days so they made it more on you.

He pulls you into a hug, squeezing you tightly as he continues to stare at the boys that have been pestering you.

“You’re mine, and no one else’s.” He says as he gives you a tight squeeze.

As you continue to get romantically involved with Mattheo, Enzo starts feeling jealous, especially when he sees how well you two get along. He does everything he can to try and split you two up, whether that be by creating arguments and tension between you both, or by spreading malicious rumours. However, Mattheo continues to remain unfazed, as he knows that none of the rumours are true, and is set on remaining by your side.

One day, as you sit in the library alone, it’s a peaceful and quiet atmosphere, allowing you to dive deeper into your book.

Until you glance up and you see the infamous group walk in, except this time they look more angry than ever, looking at you with daggers in their eyes…

They approach you as you immediately stand up and try to exit the library.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Regulus asks as he stands in your path.

You stare at him for a few moments as your fear increases, especially when he glares at you.

“You aren’t leaving until we get to talk.” Enzo adds as he crosses his arms.

"What you all want from me?" You asked still confused about their reactions.

“We’re done with being nice, you need to end things with Mattheo now.” Malfoy says in a threateningly quiet voice.

You immediately step back and stare at all five of boys in disbelief. They’ve never spoken to you like this before, and the sight of them all ganging up on you like this causes you to shiver.

“You’re relationship with Mattheo has gone too far. You need to let him go, and find someone else to date.” Regulus adds as the boys continue to tower and surround you.

You feel like you’ve been backed into a corner, with no way out, as none of their faces hold any sort of compassion or sympathy towards you.

"In your dreams i will never leave him because simply he's my soulmate" you said looking at them.

“You don’t have a choice.” Enzo says as he leans closer to you, his sharp features becoming more defined.

“Mattheo is my best friend and I’m not letting you take him away from me.” He glares at you as the other boys remain silent.

The boys start to speak amongst each other in low voices, and you can’t help but feel like you’re going to pass out or cry. The pressure is becoming too much as their eyes seem to bore into yours.

You look between their faces, as you wish that Mattheo were here right now, and suddenly, you have an idea…

Your eyes narrow in on Regulus, as he’s always been the nicest of the infamous group and you’re confident that you can appeal to him.

“Can I ask you a question?” You ask quietly as the boys stare at you in confusion.

Regulus nods and steps forward to hear your request…


° {What do you think about the thing the boys doing?}.

° {To be countie my babies}.

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