C H A P T E R 4

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He looks at you, his eyes soften as he talks, “I’d like to be nicer, you don’t understand how rare it is for someone to stand up against me, it’s attractive, your personality is attractive, your sass, your defiance, it’s all cute really.”

"I know I'm attractive of course" you said proud of yourself.

“Can we start over?” He asks, the gentle smile is still plastered on his face, he keeps his head slightly lowered, he looks up to you, waiting for your answer.

"Start what?" You asked him waiting his answer.

“Our relationship? You know, can we start talking more, get to know each other more? Maybe we can start being… friends.” It felt weird hearing him say that word but something about the way he said it made it feel genuine.

“Okay, can I ask one last thing?”

You nodded.

“Can I have that chocolate back now?” He asks, his voice is soft once again, almost like a playful tease, he’s definitely much nicer than before.

"No it's mine now" you told him.

He sighs and fakes a pouty face, “Come on, please? I gave it to you as a sign of my apology, can I have it back now?”

You shake your head no.

“I think I deserve it back now, you don’t remember the conditions?” He asks mockingly, raising his voice a little bit but his playful tone is still evident.

"I said no" you yold him.

“Pretty please?” He asks, the playful tone in his voice is still audible but you can tell you’re starting to annoy him.

"NO" you said not yelling so loud.

“One, little, tiny, tiny, piece?” He asks, you can tell he’s getting frustrated with you and that makes his tone a little harsher.

You stands up walking away because you get annoying by him.

“Okay, fine, keep your damn chocolate then.” He says in a harsher tone, he watches you walk away.

You kept walking and didn't turn around.

He glares at you with a smug smile and says, “I’ll get you back for this.”

You walked to the common room.

You make your way to the common room, you can feel Mattheo’s gaze following your every step but you just ignore it.

You sat on couch reading a book.

As you sit down and read your book, you feel a presence behind you, you turn over to see Mattheo standing directly behind you, looking at the book you were reading.

" JESUS u sacred me" you told him.

He glares at you, his expression is back to his original cold mannerism, “Can I ask you something quickly?”

"What is it?" You said yo him.

“Can you promise me something?” He asks, his expression softens slightly.

You looked at him waiting him to countie.

“I know I upset you back there when I asked for the chocolate back, but can you just forgive me this once?” He asks, his eyes still a bit chilly, but his gaze is no longer as intense, he’s not glaring at you in a aggressive manner anymore.

"Ok i did forgive you but stop annoying me" you told him.

“Thank you, and I will.” he says in a gentler tone, he walks off back to his bed but stops abruptly, “Just one last thing,” he turns around to face you.

"Yes Matty" you looking at him waiting him to talk.

He smiles again, but this time his tone is much warmer, “Can you call me Matt?”

"Why i love the name Matty on you" you explain to him.

He smiles brighter, “You like calling me Matty?”

You nodded.

He chuckles, “Do you mind if I ask you something… stupid?”

You laughed"I don't mind ask".


° {what is that question?}.

° {this chapter is little ik}.

°{to be countie..}♡

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