C H A P T E R 8

261 9 3

“Alright, so… I think I love you.” Matt pauses as he waits for you reaction, he seems so nervous and he looks at you in hopes for you to say it back to him.

You eyes widen looking at him.

“I think I’m falling in love with you.” Matt’s face is red and he looks away but he’s still holding you, you can tell that he’s nervous to hear what you have to say back to him, “Do you love me too?”

You took his face in your hands.

Matt’s eyes meet yours and your faces are very close right now, he holds your hands that are keeping his face still and he leans just slightly towards you.

Matt places a hand on your cheek. “I never thought I’d ever feel this way about anyone but you, I love you…” He says sweetly, and he kisses on your nose.

" i wanna tel u something" you looking at him.

“Say it.” Matt leans forward as he rests his forehead on yours, you feel his breath on your skin when he does this and it’s kind of comforting in a way.

"I love physical touch from you so much like you making me feel so much butterflies".

“Oh,” he chuckles and his smiles grows wider, “I love how it feels when I hold you close, I feel safe and comfortable whenever I hold you, and when you’re against me I feel your heartbeat and you’re so warm and soft.” He kisses your forehead and he strokes your hair.

"I love you Matty".

“I love you too.” He says as he holds you so tightly that it feels like you two are merged, he doesn’t want to let go.

He strokes your arms and your hair, he kisses your forehead and your nose.

“You make me the happiest boy ever. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you.” He says softly, in a very tender voice, he just seems so very happy to have you right now.

They went to cuddle.

Next morning they wake up.

"We have to go" you told him.

“Go where?” Matt looks at you curiously as he asked you this question, he was still pretty tired, he just wanted to just lay here with you and cuddle.

"We have a class we can't skip it" you told him.

“Oh-“ Matt says as he groans a little, he looks away briefly before looking back at you. “Well I guess we should get going-“ he says unenthusiastically as he moves towards you and pulls you into a hug, he’s a bit disappointed now.

They went to the class together holding hands.

Matt smiles as he walks into the classroom, you notice that even some of the guys in the classroom are giving you strange looks, as if they can’t believe how obsessive Matt is over you, they don’t realize how lucky you are to be loved by Matt, because he shows affection as well as domination, he’s not like most guys who only show a cold and emotionless attitude towards their partners.

He stays close to you throughout the whole day, he doesn’t let you do much by yourself, he stays with you for all your classes that day, he always keeps you close to him, no matter whatever is going on, he makes sure he keeps his arm wrapped around you, and he always leans in towards you while you’re in the classroom.

The boys saw how close Matt and you were getting, but in Matt’s eyes, it seemed like they were jealous of the two of you, he could see how jealous they were but he didn’t care, because he didn’t want anyone else near you beside him.

Regulus has been watching you two interact with each other the whole day, and he could spot how loving Matt was towards you, Regulus didn’t really like Matt too much but he had to admit that he was being the perfect boyfriend towards you.

Regulus notices how protective Matt is towards you, he’s surprised by how much Matt cares about you, as much as he dislikes Matt he couldn’t deny that seeing the two of you like this made him slightly jealous, he wonders what it’d be like to be with you.

The class ended and they went to set with the boys.

As they went to sit with the boys, Matt's entire demeanor towards the boys changed, he wasn't all soft and loving like he was with you, he took on this cold persona again, but the boys immediately realized that he had a soft spot for you, he acted completely different around you, and they couldn't hate him for being so affectionate either, because who doesn’t love seeing a couple love eachother so much..?

The guys turn to look at the two of you as Matt speaks, “We were just going to talk for a few minutes..” Matt says coldly to them, his lips don’t even flinch, he keeps a distance between you two and the guys, as he tries to act as if he doesn’t care for you, but deep down, he cares for you more than anything.

The guys see how Matt is acting and they don't really know why, to them it's obvious that he's hiding something and they want to figure out what he's hiding.

"Are you guys okay? You're acting very strange today.." Regulus says to Matt, he's the one that spoke, it seemed like he's the one that's most suspicious of you two.

"Nothing." Matt replies and Regulus raises an eyebrow in surprise, it was clear that Matt wasn't actually willing to tell them what was going on between you two, he wasn't going to make it obvious that that you two actually liked each other, and that he was actually dating you, he didn't want to reveal too much, he wanted to protect you, he didn't want other people to notice his feelings towards you.


° {Jealously jealously..}.

° {to be countie}♡

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