C H A P T E R 5

559 8 8

"Are you dating anyone?" He asks, his playful tone reappears, it sounded like a genuine question though, his voice sounds a little bit higher than usual and he's trying his best to keep that teasing smile on his face.

"No" you said seriously.

"Seriously?" He asks, seeming shocked, his eyebrows raise slightly, "You're actually not dating anyone?"

"Yes I'm singel" you said.

"How does a girl like you stay single for so long?" He asks, sounding genuinely amazed, he keeps his teasing tone, but he still sounds curious.

"Because no one is loyal tho" you said.

He laughs, "I've heard that one before, but I could be loyal to you maybe?" He smirks at you and you can tell he's trying his hardest to tease you.

"Oh you fall for me ha" she said teasting him.

"I could, you never know, maybe you might be charming enough to make me fall for you." He says in a cocky tone, you can tell he's trying to hide a genuine smile but his eyes are still playful and teasing.

"I see genius i see" you said.

He laughs, his eyes meet yours, he stares at you with a little bit of a smirk, "Fine, you are kinda charming."

"I'm what?" You asked.

He laughs, "Yeah you're actually kind of charming, and kind of pretty but that doesn't mean I'm going to fall for you." He leans in a tiny bit and you can feel the tease in his voice.

"You wish mr riddle" you told him.

He laughs, this time his laugh is definitely genuine, "Now I know you're trying to get to me, and it is somewhat working."

"U really wish for making me fall for u mr riddle and I'm gonna go, you took so much from my time" you said while standing up.

His smirk disappears "Wait, before you go," his voice drops down to a softer, much more serious tone, "Can we do this again tomorrow? Can we start talking more? Can you come meet me here after class tomorrow?" He asks, his eyes are wide now, he's genuinely interested.

"I'm gonna think about it" you said.

"Please," the teasing tone disappears and the seriousness in his voice is back, his eyes are wide and he continues staring at you, he really wants you to say yes.

You nodded and then went to your dorm.

The next day, Mattheo comes back to the same spot where he met you, he's waiting for you to show up, just like before.

As Mattheo sits there, waiting, he starts getting a tiny bit impatient and even a little bit nervous, his thoughts run wild and he starts questioning himself, "Did I actually upset her that much?" He questions himself, "Should I just leave?"

You showed up but you was looking sad because you were little sick feeling little pain.

He notices you look a little sad and confused. He walks over to you and ask's you, "Are you okay?" He seems like he's slightly nervous, this is the sweetest you've seen him act in months.

You just nodded holding your tears.

"Are you sure?" He asks again, he's getting more concerned about you, he seems a little bit sad seeing you this way, "Can I hug you?" He opens his arms waiting for a response.

You ran hugging him and you start to cry.

He wraps his arms around you, comforting you, he strokes your hair and he waits until you finished crying.

"Is something wrong?" He asks in a gentle tone, "Why are you crying?"

"Idk i just feeling bad and little sick and i don't wanna talk so much about it".

"Hey, can I ask something?" He glances over to you, hoping she would say yes.

You nodded.

"Can I wipe your tears real quick? Your eyes' are really red." His tone is soft and gentle, it's clear he doesn't want you to know he cares about you but the kindness in his tone is noticeable.

You nodded slowly looking at him.

He takes his hand and wipes your eyes, his face is now less than an inches away from yours.

He leans back and asks, "Can we start dating?"

"Mmm i think i won't say no" you said.

"You agree to dating me then?" He asks, the cheeky smirk is back with his playful voice, it's clear he just wants you to say yes.

You nodded.

"We so late for lunch" you said.

"We're not that late, it's just five minutes more" his breathing is a little bit shaky and he still has that smirk on his face.

"I said no and we have to go" she said blushing little.

"Yeah, we have to, let's go." Matt said.

And they walked away.


° {Matt going to make thier relationship private or no?}

° {to be countie..}♡

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