C H A P T E R 9

208 7 0

After days.

"There's a yule party tonight" you told Matt excited.

Matt smiles, “Do you want to go with me to the Yule party? I’m really hoping that we can go together.”

"Yessssssss" you answered him still excited.

Matt grins widely at you, he’s so happy, your agreement to come to the Yule party with him just made his day, “I’m so happy that you’re coming, I’ll make sure no one bothers you when we’re there, okay?”

"Of course baby" you answered him.

Matt smiles again, “You don’t know how happy I am that you want to come with me…” he says softly, this whole day he’s been so stressed about the whole situation with the boys finding out about you two, and now that it seems like not much of them know, he’s a little relieved.

You smiled at him.

"I'm gonna go get ready because the party tonight" you told him standing up.

“Okay sweetheart, make sure you're as beautiful as you can be for that party!” Matt grins widely at you and hugs you gently, he whispers, “I want everyone to see how beautiful you are, and I don’t want them to steal you from me.”

You went to get ready wearing a long beautiful green dress with your hair down.

Matt is completely mesmerized as he watches you get ready, he’s never seen you in such a beautiful dress before, he can’t take his eyes off you, his body suddenly begins to relax and a warm feeling is building up in his chest as he looks at you, the way the dress compliments your natural beauty makes him just feel like he wants to cuddle you and hold you close to him right now.

"What you think?" You said while turning to him.

Matt looks at you when you turn to face him, and he is literally speechless for a couple seconds, he can’t stop staring at you, your beauty just amazes Matt completely.

“You look so beautiful…” he whispers, his breath hitches and he doesn’t really know what else to say.

You looked at him blushing then giggled.

Matt blushes as well when he sees you giggle, he smiles softly, “You are truly the most beautiful woman on this planet.” He says in a soft voice, he feels so happy and thankful that you’re here with him, you make him feel very content and he enjoys your company, it's not just your beauty that Matt cares about, but the way you understand him, how you know what he wants and need without him having to really explain himself. It makes him feel so understood and so happy, so much happier than he's ever felt before.

He seems so attractive in his suit, the way it fits his body makes him even more handsome.

"You look so handsome baby" you said walking to him.

“I can’t take my eyes off you when you’re in that dress.” Matt replies and he looks away, he doesn’t want you to know that there’s so many things that your beauty does to his heart.

You felt so much butterflies.

Matt can feel them too, he keeps looking at you when you don’t know because you’re so attractive and everything about you seems so perfect to him. Every time he sees you, he just wonders as to how he got the luck to end up with a beauty such as yourself.

Matt smiles at you as you walk hand in hand, his hand feels nice and warm around you, he’s been wanting this for a long time, he wanted to show you off to other people and let everyone know that you’re his.

You and Matt get a lot of stares, a lot of jealousy, as Matt continues to hold your hand and doesn’t let go the whole time, he makes sure that you stay close to him, he’s going to protect you from anyone trying to come close to his girl.

Some of his friends whisper to him and ask him if he’s really dating you, he simply replies, “Yes. Got a problem?” And he looks at them with cold eyes, showing them he won’t tolerate any remarks towards you and there’s no way they’ll get to even touch you.

The guys don’t really respond to him because they know they can’t say anything to provoke him and they would never speak about you again.

Matt looks at you as you two walk around at the party, you guys are getting a lot of stares but Matt pays no attention to anyone, he only wants to be with you tonight and he wants you to feel safe and protected.

Everyone is just staring at the two of you, some of his friends still can’t believe that Matt has been able to get a girl as gorgeous as you. They wonder what his secret was and they question their own methods, Matt just shrugs them off and doesn’t really care as long as he has you, he holds you close and he doesn’t care if everyone thinks he’s being obsessive over you, he wants everyone to know that you’re his, he wants everyone in the room to know that you’re off limits to anyone but him.

The boys decide to walk over to you and Matt, they seem jealous that Matt has been spending the whole night with you, they don’t seem happy with the fact that you two are so close and the way Matt is treating you.

“So what’s going on? You two are being so clingy to each other, what’s your excuse for getting close with this girl?” Regulus says to Matt.

“She’s my girl, that’s all you need to know.” Matt replies and he glares at Regulus, he wants to make a point that he won’t tolerate anyone disrespecting you and that he’s not going to sit by and let them say anything bad about you, he’s going to protect you from anything they will do or say.

“And Matt, it feels like you and this girl are already dating, you’re way too attached to her. What’s going on?” Theo asks Matt, and Matt still gives him the same look as he did Regulus, he stares at the two of them and he replies in a cold tone, “Why are you so concerned about my relationship anyways? I’m with her, and that should be the end of this topic.”

° {So much butterflies this part ha?}.

° {The boys so jealous}.

° {to be countie}.

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