C H A P T E R 1

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Mattheo Riddle, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Regulus Black and Lorenzo Berkshire are the infamous group at Hogwarts.

As you rush towards you class, you find yourself colliding into a tall boy with blonde hair and your belongings scattering on the floor.

“Who do we have here..?” Malfoy asks as the boys scan you up and down.

“Don’t make a scene, Malfoy.” Mattheo says as his arms are crossed.

Their personalities are mean and they are bullies, tormenting you for weeks by stealing your stuff. One day, as you’re running to class, the boys surround you. Malfoy scans you up and down, “Or what?” Malfoy asks, crossing his arms, you notice that Lorenzo gave you your belongings back. You stand, in shock as you see Regulus returning your belongings to you, no one else took their items back.

"Fuck off blonde" you said to draco.

The boys are stunned, no one has ever spoken to them like this.

Mattheo steps forward, his eyes narrow, “Who do you think you are talking to?” he asks, his voice cold.

"To u all idiots" you said with disgust look.

They look at each other, before turning back to you, Mattheo steps even closer now, his face an inch away from yours, “What did you say..?” he asks, his cold eyes bore into yours.

"I SAID IDIOTS" you yelled at him not afraid.

Mattheo’s hand clenches into a fist and he pulls back and with one swift motion, he slaps you across the face, his cold expression doesn’t change as he stares right into your eyes.

You holding ur cheek in a shock and pain.

They all stand there in silence, watching you, Draco looks at Mattheo, “I think you went too far Mattheo.” He says, a little too loud as Mattheo’s cold eyes fall onto Draco, he doesn’t respond back, instead he grabs Draco by the collar and pulls him close to him.

His hand made a mark on ur cheek.

They all watch in silence, you feel your cheek, there is a bright red handprint on there, but Mattheo doesn’t let go of Draco.

"U idiot shit! how dare u!" You told him looking at him in the eyes.

“Oh I dare,” Mattheo says, his stare intense, holding Draco still.

The boys are stunned, they never dared to step up to Mattheo, but you did, they are now in shock at the sight in front of them.

"U are a shit SHIT U JUST SLAPPED ME" you yelled angry at him.

“Insult me one more time and ill break your jaw.” Mattheo growls, still holding Draco by the collar, his stare never breaks contact with you.

"Fuck u monster" you said gave him disgust look.

His eyes narrow and his grip tightens around Draco, “You have guts, I’ll give you that.” He says, turning his head to Draco.

You notice a change in his expression, he seems to have softened a little bit, but it’s only for a few seconds as he brings his head back to you, “You’re an idiot and a pain but I think I like you.”

"I wil never like someone like u shit" you said crossing her arms.

“Too late.” Mattheo says, his eyes no longer cold and harsh, instead they have softened, “I like that you have no fear and know how to stand up for yourself, those are admirable qualities, but most of all…” a soft smile appears on his face, “I love the way you cuss me out, no one has ever done that to me, and I find it quite… attractive.”

You slapped his face hard...

He takes the slap with a cold glare, his face remains unchanged.

“Was that a sign of affection or are you just plain stupid?” He asks before a smirk appears on his face.

Before you can answer him you holds her cheek, feel the pain and it still stings, you touch your cheek and feel a bruise forming there.

You touch your cheek and it’s tender, you know the mark and bruise will stay there for a while.

After sometime, you hear a familiar voice behind you. “Give me your wrist.” Regulus asks, it was strange, because he never spoke to you.

"Why should i?" You looking confused at him.

“Because I said so.” Was all he said before reaching his hand out, wanting your wrist.

"No" you said no because u don't know what he will do.

His eye twitched as he grabbed your wrist, he looked down to your hand and pulled out a small cloth.

“This will help with the pain.” He said, he took his hand off your wrist and took the cloth, placing it over the bruise.

"Oh..ty" she looked at her hand then at him.

“Don’t mention it.” He says, his voice stern, “And never allow someone to slap you again.” He walks away, you watch him leave, baffled.

You felt a little shocked, this was the first time Regulus even spoke to you, and he didn’t even show a hint of hatred for you.

Maybe this school wouldn’t be too bad after all.

You walk into your class, you can’t help but feel as if the pain was lessened.

As you walk in, you see Mattheo, Theo and Draco already sitting down and waiting for the professor, you take a seat and watch them carefully.

As you hold your cheek, you notice a quiet voice, “What happened to your cheek?” Theodore asks, looking at your cheek before looking at you.

"The b*tch Mattheo slapped me" she answers him.

Theodore seems a little stunned, he doesn’t know how to react.

“Really..?” Draco asks, his eyebrows raised, no one ever calls Mattheo a b*tch.

Mattheo stays silent, he doesn’t say anything, he stays in his seat and faces forward but you know he’s listening.

"Ty theo for asking" she told him ignoring Draco.

“You’re welcome,” Theodore says, turning his attention to the professor who just walked in and started teaching the lesson.

You can feel the class go silent, everyone is just listening to the professor, you sneak a quick glance at Mattheo, you notice his eyes watching you, then he quickly averts his gaze when he notices you look at him....

°{ Matheo will apologie or not?}

° { Next chapter soon}♡

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