C H A P T E R 12

117 7 0

You two went to the dance floor dancing.

You both danced and got lost in each other’s eyes as you slowly danced to the song. All the other people didn’t matter right at this moment, everyone else could fall into the abyss as long as you two stayed together.

When the music change that's mean you will dance with someone else.

“Hm let’s see who’s gonna steal you from me” Matt says as he looks around, looking for any of the boys that he thought would try to dance with you.

“Let’s see, is it gonna be Regulus? Maybe Draco? Hopefully not Theo, I hate that guy. Oh please let it be anyone except Theo.” He crosses his fingers and hopes that Theo doesn’t steal you first.

You was about to talk but the music changed and you feel Enzo came instead of Matt.

“God damn it, why out of all people would it have to be Enzo, why couldn’t it have been Regulus or Draco, Enzo’s the biggest creep amongst all these dudes.” he said while dancing with another girl looking at you.

You looked at enzo.

"Oh hi tall handsome man" you said smiling at his cuteness.

Enzo just chuckles as he whispers something in your ear and she notices that Regulus and Matt are both watching very closely. It’s like both of them are just waiting for some sort of excuse to beat Enzo’s ass.

Enzo just keeps whispering, he’s really trying to push Matt’s buttons by doing all this. Matt just grips his hands together very tightly and his face is full of jealousy but he also manages to contain himself and not lash out at Enzo for touching you and whispering in your ear.

After a while Enzo whispers something and you notice Regulus and Matt both boiling with resentment, they are very clearly jealous and don’t like Enzo whispering those things in your ear, especially not right in front of them.

Matt can’t stand it anymore, he can see the way you’re both smiling in each other’s company, the way his buddy Enzo was touching you, he was going to explode if he stayed there any longer.

He starts to walk towards you, not really caring if he makes a scene.

Matt gets close to you and glares at Enzo with a look on his face that says he wants to rip that dude to small pieces.

“Move away from her, she already has a boyfriend.” He spits out as he stares Enzo down, waiting for his answer.

"I know that you two dating and you her boyfriend" Enzo said.

“Yes, you got a problem with that? If you think she wants to date you, then you can forget about it, she’s mine.”

Enzo stares Matt dead in the eyes for a good minute before finally laughing and saying, “I know she’s yours, but just know that I am definitely gonna try and take her away from you, I don’t care how you feel about that, this girl has been on my radar for a while and I already know that she’d look even hotter with me.”

“Oh shut it Enzo,” Regulus says as he gets close and places his hand on your back, the guy was clearly furious. Matt was also starting to get very heated up, his eyes were beginning to show how angry he was.

“Look Enzo, I’m gonna make this pretty clear. You stay away from my girlfriend, you hear me.”

Everyone was staring at the three of you guys now, everyone’s eyes were glued to the argument and no one was able to look away.

You took Matt's arm from behind.

"Hi matt plz let's go from here" you said pulling his arm.

“Fine.” Matt huffs as he holds your hand and starts to move away from the situation, he looked over at Regulus and Enzo and he saw the look of shock on their faces, he wasn’t sure if they were shocked by your action or what had happened but he didn’t care at all.

“Can I ask you a quick question?” He whispers in your ear, the anger seems to have worn off as he slowly starts to calm down.

You nodded looking at his eyes.

“Why did you take my arm away to leave when Regulus was the one who grabbed you?” He looked at you, a bit surprised by your actions because he would have expected you to not want your boyfriend to be mad at his friend but instead you grabbed his hand like you wanted to let him know that everything was okay.

"I took you away from them because i don't want all you be in a fight because of me" you answered calmly.

“But I want to fight Enzo, he’s got a problem with the fact that I’m dating you and if nothing is done, he’s gonna continue to hit on you and maybe even touch you up in front of me, he doesn’t respect boundaries and he’s not going to learn anything unless I punch his ass.”

"Hi, calm down please we can talk calmly" you told him.

“I don’t wanna talk calmly, not when this jerk is harassing you by touching you and whispering inappropriate things in your ear, he was clearly trying to get on my nerves and it worked.”

He was becoming more and more pissed off with each second that passed. Why the hell wasn’t she letting him get into a fight with Enzo?

“I need to teach Enzo a lesson. I need to beat his ass.”

"Matt please don't" you said begging him.

Why was she stopping him from fighting Enzo?! Enzo was a jerk who clearly was hitting on you and she was still defending his actions.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t beat his ass right now.”

"You can't do that please listen to me" you told him.

Matt was getting absolutely furious, he was beginning to question how you were so calm after seeing Enzos advances, you could clearly see the jealousy in Matt’s eyes. He was about to completely snap but he was still holding back.

° {He will fight enzo?}.

° {I think that she didn't do anything wrong}.

° {To be countie my babies}.

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