C H A P T E R 2

871 14 8

You ignored looking at Mattheo so she looked at Theo.

Theo is staring directly at the professor, he's listening intently to what he is saying, he's taking notes, he's the perfect student.

You turns looking at Draco.

Draco is a bit distracted right now, from the back you can see him texting someone, he seems to look at his phone every few minutes, you try to make out who he is texting but it's too hard to see with all the desks in front of you.

Matt's eyes are directly on you, he is watching every single thing you do, when you sneak an occasional glance, you notice him darting his eyes away.

The class ended, the professor gave some assignments and told you both to head to your next classes.

As you stand up and walk out of the room, no one speaks to you, but you can feel Mattheo's eyes watching you every time you look away, he never breaks eye contact with you and it makes you feel a little uneasy.

As you walk out of the room, you notice Mattheo is following you, he stays back a little ways but you still spot him.

As you reach the hall, he walks slowly behind you, you've never noticed him follow anybody before, is he still upset at you?

You walk over to the library, it is quite empty at this time, the first years are all in their classes.

You enter the library, you see a few upperclassmen here, their heads are buried into their books.

You scan the library looking for a certain book you need, it's a book for your next class, as a hand grabs you by the wrist, you immediately turn around and come face to face with...

It's Mattheo, his eyes still cold, his hands are gripping onto your wrist tightly as he holds it in his hand.

You saw him rolled her eyes.

"I need to talk to you." Mattheo says his grip is strong as he starts walking you out the library, no one is around, just you and him.

"I don't want to talk to you" you said to him.

"Just listen to me for a bit, I want to say something." He says, sounding more pleading than he has ever sounded.

"What you want" you answered him.

"Nothing, I shouldn't have slapped you, it was childish and immature, I'm sorry." He says looking directly at you, you notice his expression has softened into a apologetic one.

You looked at him confused because how Mattheo just apologized to you.

You nodded "ok, you own me a chocolate".

"A chocolate..?" He asks before a smirk appears on his face, "I do not owe you any chocolate."

"U do Mattheo" you said looking at him.

He laughs even more at your declaration, "You do realize I just slapped you and now you're asking me for a chocolate?" he keeps laughing, "I'm not going to give you a chocolate."

Ok go away from here then you was about to walk away.

His laughter stops as he grabs your wrist again, this time he doesn't hold it tightly, more like a light grip, he pulls you aside to the stairwell, "Wait, I'll get you the chocolate okay? Just wait."

He lets go of your wrist, leaving you alone.

A few minutes later, he returns, with a piece of chocolate, he hands it to you.

"Here you go." he says sounding more annoyed than earlier.

You smiled at it "ok now i forgive you".

He looks at you, a small smile appears on his face and he nods.

He looks away before whispering. "But you have to do something for me."

"No" you said to him.

"Please?" He asks politely, making eye contact with you once again, you notice his eyes are more gentle than before.

"What you want" you asking him.

"Come meet me after class." He whispers, "Just trust that I have something important to speak to you about."

She just nodded.

"Good." He nods his head, his smile softens a little bit more, "I'll see you then." He turns away and starts walking away.


° { Mattheo being good with her, u think he satrts to love her?}

°{to be countie..}♡

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