C H A P T E R 21

71 4 2

You sit down at a table in the library and pull out a book to start reading. You try to focus on the book but your thoughts continue to wonder about Enzo, you wish he'd just leave you alone and let you be.

As you continue reading, you notice that you can't focus, your thinking of Enzo and how much of a jerk he is. It wasn't fair that he got to go around being so rude to people and he never got any punishment for his actions.

You start to become really frustrated and annoyed, you feel like you aren't able to focus at all.

You put your book down on the table and you stare into the table not able to focus on anything right now.

You just want to be alone and not have to worry about anyone bothering you but you also just want Enzo to leave you alone so you can go back to your normal life.

You don't feel like doing anything, you're frustrated and annoyed and tired so you lay your head down onto the table and close your eyes.

You lay your head down to rest and all of sudden your thoughts become blurry and fogged up, when you start to open your eyes they go blank for a few seconds before you see someone standing over you.

Your thoughts go even more blurry as you try to register who this person is standing above you.

You feel a bit dizzy, it's almost like you know this person but you can't bring your mind to recognize their face.

Just as suddenly as it started, your vision begins to go dark.

Your vision fully goes black as you start to slowly lose your consciousness, you can hear a very dim noise that sounds like someone is talking to you, but no matter how hard you try, you can't make out what they're saying.

The talking gets even dimmer as your mind starts to drift off to nothing, you suddenly start hearing a louder sound slowly getting closer to you, almost as if it's running towards you. All you can do is close your eyes and hope that whatever is happening won't harm you.

You start to feel a few gentle hands on your shoulders, someone is trying to shake you up.

"My love? Can you hear me?"

The voice sounded very familiar so you start trying really hard to open your eyes to finally see who this person is.

Slowly but surely, you can start to see the person who's talking to you, all of a clear and vivid details come to you as your eyes fully open.

It's a familiar face to you, but you can't quite remember who this person is.

"My love?" The voice asked again, the person is gently trying to make sure that you're awake again.

You feel Matt's hands start to caress your cheek as he leans over a bit to get a better look at you, he looks very worried.

"Can you hear me now? Hey please don't close your eyes again for me, please answer me so that I know you're okay."

You smiled soft when recognized him.

You can see Matt's facial expression soften up a bit when he sees how peaceful your smile is, he still looks nervous but your smile makes him happy.

"Can you sit up so I can comfort you?" His tone is very soft and gentle, you get the feeling that he really cares for you.

"Here is my bf".

Matt smiles softly at you as you put your hand on his arm, a loving grin appears on his face when he notices how you hold hands with him.

"Do you feel okay? Do you want me to get you anything?" He leans in closer to you and looks at you with a gentle and soft look.

"No I'm ok, i was just thinking about shit enzo".

Matt smiles softly and strokes your hair, he can tell that you were stressing about something and he feels bad that Enzo is still bothering you.

"You know, you don't have to worry about him right? You're my girlfriend and I'm not letting him bother you ever again."


° {this part so short ik}.

° {to be countiemy babies, i will do the next chapter more longer}.

Crap. I'm in love..Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu