C H A P T E R 20

95 4 2

"I'm a good listener" you told him because you want him to open his heart for you.

You care so much about the people around you and you love.

“Can I tell you why I’m feeling so unhappy?” He whispers to you, he’s still hugging you and holding you closely.

You nodded.

Draco was a bit surprised by how relaxed he was around you, he’s never met a girl before who was so genuinely nice to him.

“Can I tell you the truth? There’s something on my mind right now that has been causing my mind to go haywire.”

He takes in a deep breath before he whispers this to you.

“This might sound a bit ridiculous and I might sound like an idiot but... I have this huge crush on this girl that I’ve been seeing around school but she seems more interested in someone else rather than me.”

"Oh really? What's her name?" You told him having hope in your eyes for telling you.

“Can I tell you her name? I swear you won’t make fun of me after you hear me say it?”

"I will never make a fun of you" you told him waiting the name.



Draco smiles softly, there doesn’t seemed to be any signs of him wanting to make a joke so you decide to just tell him.

“Her name is... Hermione Granger.”

"OMG REALLY" you said exciting.

“I’m not messing with you, do you know her? Do you think she might like me back at all? Because I feel like I genuinely might have a chance with her, I think she’s just so beautiful and I want to ask her if I could be her boyfriend but I’m scared.”

"Awww my baby Dray don't be scared you are so handsome and a good man just make the move" you said want to make him trust himself.

Draco smiles at the fact that you’re treating him so gently, he never had anyone treat him like that, he’s actually a bit shocked.

“But what if she rejects me? What if she says no to me?”

"She won't because i notice once the way she was looking at you once" you winked.

Draco actually couldn’t believe that he heard correctly, his eyes become wide as he tries to process the information that you just gave him.

“Are you being serious? Do you actually think she might like me back?”

"of course my friend any girl wants to be the gf of draco malfoy".

Draco felt his heart pounding so hard as a happy feeling started to fill him from the inside.

“So you think I have a chance? Do you really think she’ll say yes if I ask her out?”

"Yes my friend you go and i will waiting to hear the news" you said while fixing his hair.

Draco smiles softly again, he can’t believe how your treating him. It truly feels so good to know that someone genuinely cares about him.

“Thank you so much, I will go for it and I’ll definitely come to you to tell you the news. I truly do care about you so thank you for helping me out.”

You smiled at him because he feels better now but you remembered something so you look at the floor.

Draco’s heart breaks when he notices the look on your face, he looks at you worried.

“Why are you looking at the floor? Something wrong?”

"It's Enzo, Dray" you said annoyed.

Draco lets out a sigh, he felt his heart sink as you mention Enzo’s name.

“What did that jerk do this time? He didn’t bother or harass you right?”

"He always doing that and i have so much from this".

Draco nods in understanding, he still gets frustrated when he just thinks about Enzo’s actions.

“He better not lay one more finger on you while I’m around, he doesn’t deserve a beautiful and amazing girl like you.”

"He kept annoying Matt too, Dray".

“That little bastard. Let me go talk to him right now.” He says before he hugs you one last time before he gets up to go find Enzo.

"Be careful Dray" you told him worry.

“Don’t worry about me, I can handle myself. And besides, I’m just gonna have a nice little conversation with him that’s all.”

Draco watches you for one more second before he walks over to Enzo, his anger gets the best of him which makes him slightly shaky and nervous.

He reaches over to a very surprised Enzo who didn’t notice Draco walking over to him.

“Hey bud, do you have a minute to talk?”

Enzo scoffs at the question, it’s evident that all he wants to do is cause pain and suffering for everyone around him.

“Of course I have a minute, what could possibly want to talk to me for?”

“I’m just here to tell you to back off, and leave the girl alone.” Draco says in a cold tone, even if he didn’t have that much confidence he’d still try to appear intimidating.

Although this might have worked on anyone else, it didn’t work at all on Enzo.

Enzo scoffs and doesn’t even look at Draco right in the face, he doesn’t seem to take this conversation very seriously at all.

“And why would I back off from the girl?”

“Because she’s clearly not interested in you, just look at her, there’s absolutely nothing about you that anyone could like. You’re rude, you’re annoying, you’re egotistical and you just think you’re the best.”

“I don’t get it, why are you even bothering with this girl? Can you honestly tell me what it is that actually attracts you to her? Is it only for looks?”

“I’ll take that as a yes, you can go ahead and date any girl that is more on your level so what’s the obsession all about Hogwarts’ most popular girl? Are you only doing this out of spite? To try and make me jealous? Because that’s pathetic.”

Enzo left him there ignoring him then walked away.

Draco stands there in shock while Enzo walks away, he could feel his anger boiling inside him until it finally explodes into pure rage and he yells at the top of his lungs



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° {To be countie my babies}.

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